Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler in Munich, Germany. Credit: National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized, 1675 – 1958
President Donald Trump is a symptom of a much larger problem. New research suggests that Trump’s supporters are so motivated by racism and bigotry that they may willing to overturn American democracy so that white Christians like themselves can maintain continued power over our society.
Ultimately, history teaches many lessons. The question then becomes whether we are willing to learn them. How is Donald Trump similar to, or different from, authoritarians and fascists such as Adolf Hitler? In what ways are “regular people” and Trump’s “average” supporters implicated and responsible for his assault on democracy and campaign of cruelty? To what extend does the cruelty of Trump and his enablers toward immigrant children and other groups channel the evils of the Nazi regime? Do individuals working together have a chance to slow down Donald Trump and the Republican Party’s assault on American democracy?
In an effort to answer these questions I recently spoke with Richard Frankel,
I’ve been saying the same thing for a long time but no one listens to me. Thank you for stating that T is a symptom of a much larger problem! It saddens me that I cannot do anything. Thank you for attempting to enlighten people.
I know Sharon people I talk with think I’m the nutcase suggesting such an outrageous idea.
I see that that “dear leader” is planning major changes in immigration policy ending the legal pathways to citizenship for those who are legal residents. Legal immigrants including military vets will face deportation. Immigrants seem to be the cause of our national suffering as the Jews were for the good and too tolerant German people. Now all that is needed is a terrorist attack or major economic contraction…
both of you commenters are comparing hitler to trump’s policies…. study nazi germany and the rise of hitler…if you want to compare anyone to hitler, you would be wise to examine the policies of obama, and hillary and the left re the abdication of the 2nd amendment… what do you think hitler did first to ensure the control of the masses? he took away their guns, he took away the guns from the jews.. now go figure!!