There was great public outcry over the Trump administration’s separation of thousands of minor children from their immigrant parents, many of whom were legally pursuing asylum here in the United States when they were apprehended. The move has been widely condemned as inhumane and likely a violation of international law.

But less widely reported is the Trump administration’s targeting of the households in which close to five million U.S born children, who as American citizens reside with at least one parent who is undocumented. In New Jersey alone it is estimated that 185,580, or one-in-11 of the children that call New Jersey home, lives with at least one immediate family member who is undocumented making them vulnerable to deportation.

Since the start of President Trump’s multi-faceted immigration crackdown, local public health and law enforcement officials have raised concerns that immigrant communities fear of involvement with their agencies would have both public safety and public health ramifications well beyond the immigrant families.

Earlier this year “with no fanfare and little public notice, the Department of State has amended the Foreign Affairs manual to increase the […]

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