The last house on Holland Island in Chesapeake Bay, MD before it fell into the bay in 2010.
Credit: baldeaglebluff
Sea level rise caused by climate change has already cost the U.S. $14.1 billion dollars in home values across eight East Coast states, ( emphasis added) according to new data released Thursday by the First Street Foundation, a Brooklyn-based non-profit whose stated mission is “to educate citizens and elected officials on the risks, causes and solutions to sea level rise and flooding.”
Sea level rise caused by climate change has already cost the U.S. $14.1 billion dollars in home values across eight East Coast states, according to new data released Thursday by the First Street Foundation, a Brooklyn-based non-profit whose stated mission is “to educate citizens and elected officials on the risks, causes and solutions to sea level rise and flooding.”
“We all knew that flooding issues were getting worse from sea level rise, but the home value loss associated with it is truly staggering.” First Street Foundation Executive Director […]