“Rapidly accumulating scientific evidence suggests that certain chemicals added during the processing of foods and those that may come into contact […]
Tuesday, August 7th, 2018
Peter Overby, Campaign Financing and Lobby Correspondent - npr
Stephan: This is some very good news even though it's very arcane in legal terms. The effect is to close at least one avenue of "dark money" to the uber-rich who want to buy elections.
Chief Judge Beryl Howell
Credit: Law.com
A widely used loophole for funneling secret “dark money” into political ads closed quietly last weekend, as a federal judge concluded it thwarted Congress’ intent to have broad disclosure of political money.
Chief Judge Beryl Howell, of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, threw out a regulation adopted by the Federal Election Commission in 1980. The rule said that “non-political” groups, such as 501(c) nonprofit organizations, could ignore a disclosure law if donors’ contributions were earmarked for specific advertisements — an exception that wasn’t in the law passed by Congress.
Howell’s decision was issued Friday evening.
She listed ways in which the regulation undercut the transparency principles of campaign finance law: “including informing the electorate, deterring corruption, and enforcing bans on foreign contributions being used to buy access and influence to American political officials.”
At Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, the plaintiff in the lawsuit, Executive Director Noah Bookbinder, said, “This case closes one of the loopholes that has allowed the system to get out of control, and gets […]
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Tuesday, August 7th, 2018
Hiroko Tabuchi and Tryggvi Adalbjornsson, - The New York Times
Stephan: The corruption of the Trump administration simply beggars the imagination; I think it is arguably the most corrupt administration in American history. This story being one of several dozen examples. That said I don't think the Trumpers are intelligent or educated enough to understand or care. Only when something ruins their lives or seriously impacts their pocketbooks do they seem to awaken from Trump stupor.
The E.P.A. and Mr. Wright’s team at Dow reached an agreement to clean waterways near Midland, Mich., in 2010. River decontamination is progressing, and officials cannot yet say when it will be complete. Credit: Sammy Jo Hester/Mlive
The lawyer nominated to run the Superfund toxic cleanup program is steeped in the complexities of restoring polluted rivers and chemical dumps. He spent more than a decade on one of the nation’s most extensive cleanups, one involving Dow Chemical’s sprawling headquarters in Midland, Mich.
But while he led Dow’s legal strategy there, the chemical giant was accused by regulators, and in one case a Dow engineer, of submitting disputed data, misrepresenting scientific evidence and delaying cleanup, according to internal documents and court records as well as interviews with more than a dozen people involved in the project.
The lawyer, Peter C. Wright, was nominated in March by President Trump to be assistant administrator at the Environmental Protection Agency overseeing the Superfund program, which was created decades ago to clean […]
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