Thursday, August 23rd, 2018
FRANK NEWPORT, - The Gallup Organization
Stephan: Because 64% of Americans have never set foot in another nation many people haven't a clue what the rest of the developed world is actually like. They just swallow the propaganda vomited out by Trump TV, and the rest of the Rightwing disinformation network and, it has to be said, much of the corporate media. But, as this Gallup survey shows the bubble is beginning to burst. I take this as good news. Admitting the truth is the first step on the path to change.

- 27% say U.S. healthcare system better than those in other modern nations
- 64% of Americans positive about individual freedoms
- Americans slightly less positive now than in 2012
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Asked to compare the U.S. to other modern, industrialized nations on a number of dimensions, Americans are most positive about individual freedoms and least positive about the U.S. healthcare system. Sixty-four percent of Americans say that U.S. freedoms are the best or above average, while just 27% say the same about the healthcare system. Majorities also say the U.S. compares favorably on quality of life and the ability of people to get ahead while less than half say their economic system and system of government are above average compared with other modern nations.
The healthcare system is the only one of the six items measured for which more say the U.S. is the worst or below average than say the U.S. is the best or above average.
These results, based on Gallup interviewing conducted Aug. 6-12, update an initial assessment from December 2012, just about a month after President Barack Obama won […]
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Thursday, August 23rd, 2018
Rafi Schwartz, - Splinter
Stephan: As I wrote the other day, the transgender population in America totals about 700,000 people of all ages, including about 150,000 youth; this is the story of one of them, and it is a shameful story. In the christofascist world, transgenders provoke the most amazing irrational sexual hysteria. This story ought to seriously humiliate the people of Achille, Oklahoma, but I doubt that it will; they'll just feel righteous. It is one of the manifestations of fundamentalist religion.
After a deluge of harassment and threats from the parents of classmates at her middle school in Achille, OK, the family of a transgender 7th grader named Maddie have announced they’re leaving the state entirely, and will be moving in with family in neighboring Texas to avoid the ongoing harassment.
“We actually moved here from Sherman hoping to have a fresh start for Maddie, because she was severely bullied there, and taunted to commit suicide, and assaulted in the bathroom,” Brandy Rose, Maddie’s mother, said on a crowdfunding page raising money to assist in the move. “Unfortunately, her fresh start did not last long.”
Twelve-year-old Maddie’s story first gained national prominence after reportsthat parents in a private Facebook group for the Achille Independent School District had been writing derogatory—and in some cases explicitly threatening—messages about her.
“The transgender is already using the girls bathroom,” one parent wrote, while another referred to Maddie as a “maggot.”
“If he wants to be a female make him a female,” a third person wrote. “A good sharp knife will do the job really quick.”
After […]
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Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018
Stephan: This is so vile it is hard to believe it is America. That it is, should be a matter of national shame.
I just don't see how anyone can continue to support Trump; and yet, look at the reaction of his base at the rally he held tonight. That's the voters. And what about the people they elect? Notice the silence of the Republican Congress upon the conviction of both Cohen and Manafort.

There was great public outcry over the Trump administration’s separation of thousands of minor children from their immigrant parents, many of whom were legally pursuing asylum here in the United States when they were apprehended. The move has been widely condemned as inhumane and likely a violation of international law.
But less widely reported is the Trump administration’s targeting of the households in which close to five million U.S born children, who as American citizens reside with at least one parent who is undocumented. In New Jersey alone it is estimated that 185,580, or one-in-11 of the children that call New Jersey home, lives with at least one immediate family member who is undocumented making them vulnerable to deportation.
Since the start of President Trump’s multi-faceted immigration crackdown, local public health and law enforcement officials have raised concerns that immigrant communities fear of involvement with their agencies would have both public safety and public health ramifications well beyond the immigrant families.
Earlier this year “with no fanfare and little public notice, the Department of State has amended the Foreign Affairs manual to increase […]
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Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018
David E. Sanger and Sheera Frenkel, - The New York Times
Stephan: The Russians who did everything they could to get either their agent or "useful idiot" elected president are, as this report describes, still at it, still on behalf of Trump. There is no question about this anymore. The question I do have is why are we hearing this from Microsoft and not Homeland Security?
Microsoft said it had seized fake websites, linked to a Russian military intelligence unit, meant to trick people into thinking they were sites for Republican-leaning think tanks that have criticized President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
CreditGulshan Khan/Agence France-Presse
BOSTON — The Russian military intelligence unit that sought to influence the 2016 election appears to have a new target: conservative American think tanks that have broken with President Trump and are seeking continued sanctions against Moscow, exposing oligarchs or pressing for human rights.
In a report scheduled for release on Tuesday, Microsoft Corporation said that it detected and seized websites that were created in recent weeks by hackers linked to the Russian unit formerly known as the G.R.U. The sites appeared meant to trick people into thinking they were clicking through links managed by the Hudson Institute and the International Republican Institute, but were secretly redirected to web pages created by the hackers to steal passwords and other credentials.
Microsoft also found websites imitating the United States Senate, […]
Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018
Lyndon Henry, Transportation Planning Consultant, Writer, Editor and Investigative Journalist. - Railway Age
Stephan: The rest of the developed nations are moving into an era of high-speed rail. China is building a new silk road in the form of high-speed rail going from Bejing to Venice. Meanwhile, in Trump world, even the third-rate passenger rail we have in the U.S. is about to be terminated as this report describes.
The slow death of passenger rail in America has had all kinds of unintended consequences. One of the big ones is that except for the people who live there, and the few who drive across across the continent, the majority of Americans know little or nothing about most of the land that makes up America.
Amtrak’s Sunset Limited at San Marcos, Tex.
Credit: Lyndon Henry
Astoundingly, the primary push for this appears to come, not from anti-Amtrak forces in the Capitol or White House, but from Amtrak’s newly revamped management itself. Indeed, as former Amtrak CEO Joe Boardman recently warned in a May 10 Railway Age commentary, efforts are under way “by Amtrak’s current leadership to dismantle our interconnected, intercity rail passenger network …”
Boardman’s warning dovetails with what I’ve been hearing from an array of other sources, including some with intimate knowledge of Amtrak’s internal dynamics (and whose anonymity I intend to protect). It’s now no secret that the administration of newly minted Amtrak CEO Richard Anderson (former Executive Chairman of Delta Airlines) has a pretty dismal future in mind for nationwide passenger rail connectivity, described by venerable rail journalist Don Phillips (in his own May 15 commentary) as “Anderson’s apparent plan to start killing Amtrak’s long-distance trains.”
Perhaps it’d be useful at this point to review some major reasons why long-distance […]