A close-up computer rendering of The Ocean Cleanup system.
Credit: Erwin Zwart/ Ocean Cleanup
A massive cleanup of plastic in the seas will begin in the Pacific Ocean, by way of Alameda, California. The Ocean Cleanup, an effort that’s been five years in the making, plans to launch its beta cleanup system, a 600-meter (almost 2,000-foot) long floater that can collect about five tons of ocean plastic per month.
It’s a start. The launch date is September 8, and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch being targeted is more than 1,000 nautical miles from the launch point and on the move.
The Ocean Cleanup plans to monitor the performance of the beta, called System 001, and have an improved fleet of 60 more units skimming the ocean for plastics in about a year a half. The ultimate goal of the project, founded by Dutch inventor Boyan Slat when he was 18, is to clean up 50% of the patch in five […]
This is a really cool story! The young man who came up with the concept was on JRE, which I would suggest giving a listen if this story interested you. Keep a look out for plastic products that will be made from the plastic collected, and sold to help fund this massive project. Good news to juxtapose the recent reports that luxury brands, such as Burberry, actually destroy unsold products to maintain their product exclusivity.
Finally, some positive news despite Trump. It is good to see something positive happening to save the Earth instead of destroy it, like Trump and his supporters seem to want to do.