- 29% say Trump acted illegally concerning Russian involvement in 2016 election
- 31% say Trump broke law in hush-money payments to women
- Majorities of Democrats say Trump acted illegally in both matters
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Three in 10 U.S. adults believe Donald Trump acted illegally in separate incidents during the 2016 campaign. Twenty-nine percent believe he broke the law for his campaign’s alleged involvement with Russian officials, the focus of independent counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Meanwhile, 31% say Trump acted illegally in making payments to two women in the fall of 2016 who alleged having affairs with him.
Americans are more inclined to believe Trump acted unethically, but not illegally, in the hush-money payments matter (37%) than to say he did nothing seriously wrong (23%). On the other hand, more, 35%, believe Trump did nothing wrong in the Russia matter than say he acted unethically (27%).
Acted illegally
Acted unethically but not illegally
Did nothing seriously wrong
Russian officials’ involvement with Trump campaign in 2016 U.S. presidential election
Payments to two women to keep them […]
it doesn’t cease to amaze me any more as i have become used to democrats, blinded by their hatred for trump, forget or never got the news (either) that hillary clinton and the DNC derailed the sanders campaign by illegal means as well. it was clinton and the DNC that were solely responsible for the election of trump. not one single voter is to blame for trump. it was the choice of clinton and the DNC to lose to trump rather than win with Bernie. Thank you democrats for bringing us donald trump.
You do understand, I hope, Charles and Morris, that you have completely missed the point of this report, and why I selected it. The real point was in the headline: only three in 10 think Trump did anything wrong during the 2016 election.
Thanks Stephan. From my point of view you’re using this article to outline how stupid Americans are, because 3/10 don’t agree that Trump did anything wrong. I agree that having Trump as president does not reflect well on this countries’ overall intelect, but you seem to be shaming people who don’t go along with the mainstream media narrative, which is a tired tactic being used heavily by the left as of late. Obviously I went on a tangent with my first comment, in response to Morris’ comment and out of my frustration, but I think I got the point of the article and your framing of it.
My point was that after an almost endless barrage of factual proofs about the nature of this administration that only three people believe Trump behaved illegally, which means seven don’t believe it. You have to be willfully ignorant to be one of those seven.
Thanks Morris. I think the only thing you got wrong is that the DNC has the legal right to rig elections. This has been a major wake up call for me, and I’m really sad that the devisiveness against Trump has overshadowed the fact that our political system has been rigged. I’ll never forget the feeling of anger I had as a California Democrat, when the press announced Clinton winning the primary election the night before we had a chance to cast our vote… I can only imagine the number of California Dems who stayed home instead of voting because they were told the election was over. But, let’s blame the Russians, and shame anyone who didn’t vote for Hillary. We’ll just have to wait and see how things turn out in November, and until then keep reading the tired narrative from our lovely news media.