Credit: Paul Hamilton / Flickr
As the recent Labor Day weekend approached, the voting police at President Trump’s Justice Department and ICE—Immigration and Customs Enforcement—picked up where his disgraced Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity left off after they disbanded.
The U.S. attorney in North Carolina, a Trump appointee, sent a storm of faxes at 5 p.m. on Friday on behalf of ICE and the DOJ seeking every record about voters and voting from 2010 to this year to 44 county Boards of Election, the statewide Board of Election and Ethics, and state Department of Motor Vehicles, which registers voters.
The move drew widespread shock—some officials even thought the request was a hoax, due to its breadth (as many as 20 million documents), timing (as they were scrambling to finalize ballot preparation and printing after a summer of voting litigation and special legislative sessions) and the blatant partisan overtones (from a White House hell-bent on over-policing immigrants and Democratic voting strongholds).
Indeed, as Maine Secretary of State Matt Dunlap, who became a dissident member of […]
Born and raised on a tobacco farm in eastern NC left in 1969 and did not return to live here until the end of 1999. At that time the dems were still in control of all aspects of state government. Pro business and education moderately progressive but most of all complacent as happens to governing parties that have been in power for sometime. Then the 2010 tea party anti Obama tidal wave swept in a radical conservative majority into legislative control. Pay back as they say is a bitch. They were angry and determined to save NC and set it one the right track. After all between 2008 and Obama care they had all the proof they needed to sway the masses. Sway they did in 2012 with a new republican governor and a larger super majority gave them what was needed to accomplish their god ordained agenda.
At the very beginning they have consistently made an issue of voter fraud. In 2010 the state republican party had invited in a group call true the vote to monitor polls. I don’t hear push back on the obvious point that if the elections have been rife with fraud how is they managed to gain total control of state and federal government? Their right to govern/rule would seem suspect in a most fundamental way? Yet here we are getting to vote on a constitutional amendment allowing voter id laws. It will likely pass as a majority go on about all the other place requiring picture id.
Oh, and did I mention the federal court ruling against gerrymandered voting districts that are too near the election to be changed….
These conservatives will try anything to disavow anyone they can to stop them from voting Democratic.