Wednesday, September 19th, 2018
Stephan: The toxic chemicals used with such abandon in America's mono-culture industrial agriculture system are literally destroying our health. Here is the latest on the correlation between autism and Glyphosate which, in my view, should be outlawed.
Why? Evidence points to glyphosate toxicity from the overuse of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide on our food.
For over three decades, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has researched biology and technology, over the years publishing over 170 scholarly peer-reviewed articles. In recent years she has concentrated on the relationship between nutrition and health, tackling such topics as Alzheimer’s, autism, and cardiovascular diseases, as well as the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.
At a conference last Thursday, in a special panel discussion about GMOs, she took the audience by surprise when she declared, “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic.” She noted that the side effects of autism closely mimic those of glyphosate toxicity, and presented data showing a remarkably consistent correlation between the use of Roundup on crops (and the creation of Roundup-ready GMO crop seeds) with rising rates of autism. Children with autism have biomarkers indicative of excessive glyphosate, including zinc and iron deficiency, low serum sulfate, seizures, and mitochondrial disorder.
A fellow panelist reported that after Dr. Seneff’s presentation, “All of the […]
Wednesday, September 19th, 2018
, - Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
Stephan: Yet another report on the effects of the chemicals that flood our lives. These stories all tell us one message loud and clear. Your health and the health of your children means nothing to the corporations that make these toxins. All that matters is how much profit they make.
Babies living in households that used eco-friendly cleaners were less likely to be overweight as toddlers.
Could the disinfectants that we commonly use to clean our homes cause our children to become overweight? Researchers for the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) study analyzed the gut microbiota of more than 750 children aged 3–4 months, and looked at the children’s exposure to disinfectants, detergents, and eco-friendly cleaning products used in their homes. After controlling for a wide range of other potential factors, the results found a clear, dose-dependent link between the mothers’ reported use of disinfectant in the home, changes in the levels of some types of normal gut bacteria in their 3–4-month-old infants, and the children’s weight at age 1 and 3 years. In contrast eco-friendly cleaning products didn’t increase the likelihood of children becoming overweight.
“We found that infants living in households with disinfectants being used at least weekly were twice as likely to have higher levels of the gut microbes Lachnospiraceae at age 3–4 months,” comments Anita Kozyrskyj, Ph.D., a University of Alberta pediatrics professor, […]
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Wednesday, September 19th, 2018
Julia Belluz and Radhika Viswanathan , - VOX
Stephan: Yet another story about the toxins that clog our lives today. Get rid of every possible piece of plastic you can. Your health depends on it.
Many people store their lunches and leftovers in plastic — but don’t realize there’s plastic in their food. Credit: Getty/EyeEm
Consider what you’ve eaten today. Perhaps you drank juice from a plastic bottle and coffee from a Keurig pod. For breakfast, you might have had fruit with yogurt. Your lunch salad may have been packed in a plastic container.
There’s a good chance much of what you ingested was packaged, stored, heated, lined, or served in plastic. And unfortunately, there’s mounting scientific evidence that these plastics are harming our health, from as early as our time in our mother’s womb.
Most of our food containers — from bottles to the linings in aluminum cans to plastic wraps and salad bins — are made using polycarbonate plastics, some of which have bioactive chemicals, like bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates.
These man-made chemicals can leach from the containers or wrappings into the food and drinks they’re holding — especially when they’re heated. Research released earlier this yearfound that more than 90 percent of […]
Wednesday, September 19th, 2018
Stephan: This is an important step in ending the early Iron Age thinking that dominates all the Abrahamic religions. The idea that God has a human gender has always struck me as one of the silliest conceits of humankind, and absurdly sexist.
Bishop Rachel Treweek has said the Church of England should not call God ‘he’
Credit: Getty
God should not be referred to as “he”, the Church of England’s first female diocesan bishop and other leading Church figures have declared.
Church leaders say the tendency to describe God as “he” is a growing problem, some even going so far as to argue calling God a man is heresy.
The calls come after a YouGov survey found almost half of 18-24 year old Christians believe God is male, with one in three over-65s believing the same. Only one percent of respondents believed God was female.
The Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt Rev Rachel Treweek said: “I don’t want young girls or young boys to hear us constantly refer to God as ‘he’.”
She warned it is important to be “mindful of our language” so as to avoid alienating non-Christians from the Church.
She told the Sunday Telegraph: “For me, particularly in a bigger context, in all things, whether it’s that you go to a website and you see pictures of all-white […]
Tuesday, September 18th, 2018
Jon Queally, Staff Writer - Common Dreams
Stephan: Beginning with the Viet Nam War, although one could go back to the Philippines and Cuba, or even native Americans come to that, the United States has pursued an imperialist geopolitical policy that has benefited no one except the uber-rich who own and control the American military-intelligence-industrial complex. Well over a trillion dollars has been spent on these ill-conceived policies in the last 17 years. Money that could and should have gone into creating universal healthcare, rebuilding infrastructure, fostering social wellbeing, and preparing for climate change.
And the result of these imperialist policies? Broken countries, millions of lives destroyed, and much of the Middle East left with failed governments. Here is the story.
A U.S. Army Soldier from the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team kicks in the door of a building during a cordon and search in Buhriz, Iraq,
Credit: Flickr / U.S. Air Force/ Staff Sgt. Stacy L. Pearsall
In the 17 years since the events of Sept. 11 2001, after which the United States declared a “global war on terror,” there has not been a terrorist attack of similar size or magnitude on American soil.
However, according to findings in a new congressionally mandated report by the United States Institute of Peace—authored by members of a federal task force focused on extremism—nations around the world have suffered a five-fold increase in terrorist attacks following the post-9/11 policies unleashed by the U.S. and its allies.
The focus of the report—titled Beyond the Homeland: Protecting America from Extremism in Fragile States—maintains a very U.S.-centric worldview. And while it does little or nothing to critically challenge the widely criticized policies pursued by the Bush, Obama, or Trump presidencies, its tabulation of the dramatic rise in destablized states and growing […]
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