J.M. Opal , Associate Professor of History, McGill University - Alternet
Stephan: This essay is spot on in my opinion. This is what those of us who care about societal wellbeing are up against. It is all going to come down to November's vote. Are you planning to vote? If not, why not?
Credit: CNBC
“How long until he’s impeached?”
Canadian observers of the political dumpster fire down south are right to pose this question, for the list of scandals and offences is long and growing.
Canadian observers of the political dumpster fire down south are right to pose this question, for the list of scandals and offences is long and growing.
Stephan: The Trump administration has reached a level of moral depravity unlike anything I have seen in my lifetime. I think the child concentration camp trend is a crime against humanity and, as I said the other day, Trump, Sessions, and the ICE and Border Patrol members should be tried for that in the World Court. It makes me ashamed to be an American. How do you feel about the indefinite incarceration of young children and their separation from their family? Or the incarceration of the entire family indefinitely. Make you feel proud to be an American?
A Honduran mother and her son at a U.S. Border Patrol detainee processing center. Credit: John Moore/Getty
The proposed change would upend the Flores settlement, a 1997 consent decree that says migrant children cannot be kept in jail-like settings and prohibits them from being held for more than 20 days.
In a statement, Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen referred to those prohibitions as a “legal loophole” and “one of the primary pull factors for illegal immigration.” The way the Trump administration sees it, migrant adults bring children with them across the border because they know they can’t be held in detention for very long. The new rule changes this.
Under the proposed change, the Feds would be able to hold families together during the entirety of their immigration cases. The government insists it will still “satisfy the basic purpose” of the Flores […]
Stephan: Consider this: In America, 50% of the population has an IQ of less than 100 and 47.7% are smart enough to work but too intellectually impaired to fully comprehend what is going on in the world. Here's what I mean.
Douglas Knight: ‘I don’t pay a lot of attention to the news, ’cause they don’t tell you the truth anyway.’ Credit: Ashton Pittman/the Guardian
For some supporters, none of the endless scandals that seem to shake Washington and the media on a weekly basis matter
“This feels like the end of something.”
As the mainstream media and beltway insiders once again planned Donald Trump’s political funeral – the quote above is from liberal TV host Rachel Maddow – Trump supporter Douglas Knight sipped on Michelob Ultra at the Loft, a dimly-lit bar in downtown Laurel, Mississippi.
He was blissfully unaware that a book by investigative journalist Bob Woodward and a New York Times op-ed by an anonymous White House official were supposed to herald the end of his support for the man whom he voted for in 2016.
“I hadn’t heard nothin’ ’bout it yet,” the 50-year-old construction worker said. “You know, they’re up north. It takes a little bit for news to travel […]
Stephan: Weeks 0f discussion, multiple convictions and guilty pleas, endless hours of news coverage, and here is where Americans are about the fact that our democratic system was attacked by Russian intelligence with the knowledge and possible collusion (I think almost certainly it is true) of the Trump campaign organization.
The truth may be that as a country we're just not smart enough to maintain a democracy any longer.
29% say Trump acted illegally concerning Russian involvement in 2016 election
31% say Trump broke law in hush-money payments to women
Majorities of Democrats say Trump acted illegally in both matters
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Three in 10 U.S. adults believe Donald Trump acted illegally in separate incidents during the 2016 campaign. Twenty-nine percent believe he broke the law for his campaign’s alleged involvement with Russian officials, the focus of independent counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Meanwhile, 31% say Trump acted illegally in making payments to two women in the fall of 2016 who alleged having affairs with him.
Americans are more inclined to believe Trump acted unethically, but not illegally, in the hush-money payments matter (37%) than to say he did nothing seriously wrong (23%). On the other hand, more, 35%, believe Trump did nothing wrong in the Russia matter than say he acted unethically (27%).
Opinions About Donald Trump’s Actions in 2016 Presidential Campaign
Acted illegally
Acted unethically but not illegally
Did nothing seriously wrong
Russian officials’ involvement with Trump campaign in 2016 U.S. presidential election
Stephan: America's future is being sold to the highest bidder and the wellbeing of the country is not even a consideration. Here is an example of what I mean.
So much for finding someone who understands that perhaps the most crucial emerging technologies for the security of America and all of humanity involve reducing carbon pollution. Sadly this continues the trend of this administration ceding the biggest job creating sector of the next few decades — clean energy — to the Chinese and Europeans, who are betting tens of billions of dollars on it.
We’re fighting the wrong trade battle with China. The future is clean energy.
Happer, a Princeton theoretical physicist is one of the most extreme climate science deniers, and someone who directly […]