The Number of Undocumented Children in US Custody Surpasses 14,000

Stephan:  I saw the pictures of the women and children being gassed on the border, as a result of Trump's orders, something that has never happened before in American history, and it made me think of the child concentration camps, now holding 14,056 boys and girls. Be clear: you and I are paying for this, and it made me want to puke. This is not an America I know or want to be a part of.

Immigrant children in a detention center.
Credit: Ross D. Franklin

The Trump administration has reached another shameful milestone in its immigration policy, with the number of unaccompanied immigrant minors in U.S. custody reaching a record number of 14,056. (emphasis added)

The San Francisco Chronicle, citing a government source familiar with the statistic, said the number of children in Department of Health and Human Services custody surpassed a previous record set just two months ago, and there is no sign the trend will change soon.

One reason this number is increasing, the report said, is a new policy by Immigration and Customs Enforcement enacted earlier this year that allows ICE officials to gather information on potential sponsors of unaccompanied minors. This permits ICE to target and arrest undocumented sponsors for deportation, and it causes many of them to become too frightened to come forward to claim the minors. This policy is a change from the approach of past administrations.

“The [then] proposal has the potential to drastically expand ICE’s enforcement dragnet,” Katie Shepherd […]

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You Can’t Get Conservative White Women To Change Their Minds

Stephan:  Thinking back over the recent election, the big takeaways for me are: Heightened Millennial and younger voting; the involvement and success of women. There is a dark side, however, that is not getting much attention, this essay excepted. Why do White women continue to vote Republican? Why would anyone vote for subordinacy? This essay is a significant attempt to answer that question.

Ivanka Trump speaks at the 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report Ceremony at the State Department in Washington, DC, June 27, 2017.
Credit: Reuters / Yuri Gripas

Why is it so hard to believe that Trump supporters really do support Trump? The New York Times is always checking in with folksy rural conservatives in search of cracks in the wall. Remember the article just a few weeks ago with the white evangelical woman who put a Beto O’Rourke sticker on her car and drove it to church—and there, in the parking lot, was another car with a sticker for Beto?

For almost three years now, reporters have been begging tired farmers and miners eating their pancakes at Josie’s Diner in Smallville, Nebraska, to say they’ve seen the light. They never do. White evangelical women sneaking away from the Republican Party make for a good story—but they didn’t stop Ted Cruz from getting 81 percent of the white evangelical vote in Texas.

After Trump took the White House, and even after political scientists and pollsters figured out […]

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GOP Sens Shrug At Trump Admin’s Alarming Black Friday Climate Change Report

Stephan:  This response from the Republican Congress demonstrates that nothing is going to happen between now and January on climate change, and after the new Congress is seated, the Republicans will continue to try to sabotage any effort to create an appropriate policy response. The net-net: as long as Republicans are the dominant power center America will be unprepared for the growing devastation of climate change.

Republican Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Two days after several Trump administration agencies published an alarming reporton the impact of man-made climate change, three Republican senators did the equivalent of a rhetorical shrug in response.

Though Sens. Joni Ernst (R-IA), Ben Sasse (R-NE) and Mike Lee (R-UT) all acknowledged the existence of a changing climate to some degree — though Ernst hedged that “the climate is always changing” — the three Republicans expressed doubt about and resistance to potential federal efforts to combat what climate scientists have characterized as a fast-moving threat to humanity.

Ernst expressed concern about the impact of federal efforts on “American industry and jobs” but acknowledged “there is a balance that can be struck there,” pointing to the wind energy farms in her state.

Sasse criticized “alarmism” on the side of those advocating for federal efforts to address climate change, and appeared to stand by President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord — the global agreement aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions — calling it […]

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Texas Is About to Create OPEC’s Worst Nightmare

Stephan:  Even as report after report is coming out about the catastrophe of climate change; this is what is going on beneath the headlines, and why the Republican Party does not accept what is happening. As usual it is all about profit. Wellbeing be damned.

The map lays out OPEC’s nightmare in graphic form.

An infestation of dots, thousands of them, represent oil wells in the Permian basin of West Texas and a slice of New Mexico. In less than a decade, U.S. companies have drilled 114,000. Many of them would turn a profit even with crude prices as low as $30 a barrel.

OPEC’s bad dream only deepens next year, when Permian producers expect to iron out distribution snags that will add three pipelines and as much as 2 million barrels of oil a day.

“The Permian will continue to grow and OPEC needs to learn to live with it,’’ said Mike Loya, the top executive in the Americas for Vitol Group, the world’s largest independent oil-trading house.

The U.S. energy surge presents OPEC with one of the biggest challenges of its 60-year history. If Saudi Arabia and its allies cut production when they gather Dec. 6 in Vienna, higher prices would allow shale to steal market share. But because the Saudis need higher crude prices to make money than U.S. producers, OPEC can’t afford to let prices fall.

Cartel […]

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A historian busts the poisonous myth at the heart of white nationalist ideology

Stephan:  This is a badly flawed but important essay on a subject that is rarely discussed. Let me speak to the flaw first. Benjamin Franklin's comments are taken out of context and misrepresent him. Franklin recognized the importance of immigrants and owned a newspaper published in the German language for immigrants -- the German were a large early immigrant cohort in the colonies and early republic. As a young man Franklin was clearly ambivalent about slavery, publishing ads in his papers about runaway slaves. But he died while he was president of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society. It is also flawed because it does not recognize the presence of the Indian population, from whom the Whites stole the land that became America. And it seems to imply that the French, Spanish, and Dutch aren't White. That said, the central argument of this essay is correct, which is why I am publishing the piece despite its flaws. America is a nation of immigrants, and was never, at any time, a single race White nation. That's just a White supremacist christofacist fantasy.

Events in Charlottesville recently cascaded into domestic terrorism. Three dead and dozens wounded as neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other “alt-right” members descended upon the university that Thomas Jefferson built; their purpose, it is alleged, to defend a statue – a monument – to the Confederate Civil War soldier, General Robert E. Lee. These radical rightists arrived from all across the United States upon the college town of Charlottesville to protect, in their words, their “white” heritage. Among the many problems I have with so-called “white supremacists” is their purposeful mixing of “heritage” with “history,” rhetorically pining for a once proud “white” America.

But history proves that America was never white.

That I need to make this statement, and worse, that some may take offense from it, shows the blurring rhetoric between what is Heritage and what is History. I’ll return to this later. For now, some History.

The first successful colonial holding in these current United States was Spanish, at St. Augustine, Florida, established 1565, four decades plus prior to Virginia’s Jamestown.

America was never white.

Speaking of Jamestown, the first Africans were brought into Virginia on a Dutch trading ship in 1619, a year before Pilgrims landed in Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts.

America was never white.

And […]

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