Saturday, December 22nd, 2018
A wake-up lesson
Author: Stephan A. Schwartz
Source: Schwartzreport
Publication Date: 22 December 2018
Link: A wake-up lesson
Source: Schwartzreport
Publication Date: 22 December 2018
Link: A wake-up lesson
Stephan: As you already know beginning Thursday at 10:30 a.m. and continuing to 3 p.m. Friday the entire island was without electricity except for those who had a generator. It was cold, wet, and dark. Very 18th-century carrying candles from room to room. It was not a pleasant experience.
As we went through it, since I had no access to my computer, the internet, or the phone, I had a lot of time to think about what was happening and that, in turn, made me think about climate change. I thought about lost towns like Paradise, Calfornia or Picher, Oklahoma. The first destroyed by fire, the second by tornado.
As I thought about this, I was very happy that Ronlyn and I had made preparations for events like this, and I began to consider all the data I had read and imagined what America will be like when it is not just an island in the Pacific Northwest but the entire country that is struggling with the disasters climate change will bring. It was not a happy story, and it left me more convinced than ever that each of us must begin to make preparations so our lives are not thrown into chaos.
Today the situation is the same: the link to the full article merely cycles back to the page frrrom which the link was clicked. The full article can’t be accessed!