Credit: WN/iStock
When Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport remodeled a terminal, it didn’t buy light bulbs; instead, the company signed a contract for “light as a service” from Signify, the company formerly known as Philips Lighting. Signify owns the physical lights, giving it the incentive to make products that last as long as possible and that can be easily repaired and recycled if anything breaks.
Still, most companies are in the early stages of understanding what the circular economy means and how they […]
This definitely sounds like good news, if it works as they say it will.
Imagine what would happen if we had some intelligent regulation of the “free market” to strongly encourage this kind of behavior. Tax virgin sourced materials, encourage mining of waste dumps and oceans for source materials, design from the start with the end in mind, build long lasting devices. The low cost, low priced goods and services would not be allowed to drive the markets.
I can hear those who worship at the church of “the invisible hand” declare blasphemy. What of the wonders of capitalism and the undeniable material abundance? Socialism/collectivism/communism just like the Soviet Union, Obama Care! My response is look around we humans are choking on all that abundance or is that what winning looks like?