Credit: Child Rescue Network
One of my earliest memories is of trying to wake up one of my relatives, and not being able to. As I got older, I understood why. We had addiction in my family. And as I watched some of my other close relatives become addicts, I asked myself several questions, but one in particular seemed haunting and insistent: why does addiction so often run in families? Why does it seem to pass from mother to daughter, from father to son, as though it were some dark genetic twist?
I went on a long journey to find the answers to these questions – I describe it in my book ‘Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs.’ My research was book-ended by two events that remind us why we need to urgently understand this.
On Feb. 11 2012, Whitney Houston was found facedown in a bathtub, with her bloodstream pumped by alcohol, cocaine, and prescription drugs. Almost exactly three years on, her daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown was found facedown in a […]
My biological father as well as my oldest friend both died from alcohol poisoning and the associated liver problems. Therefor I think alcohol is the worst drug on the market. It does kill more people than any other drug and is so readily available. I gave it up a long time ago just because I decided a long time ago I would never allow anything to control my life like alcohol and drugs do.