Body-cam footage shows Arizona police using a Taser on suspect 11 times — including on his genitals

Stephan:  The other day I published a report on the fatality rate arising from the police use of Tasers. The article was focused principally on the death rate. My own concern was the misuse of Tasers by thug cops. And lo and behold, the next day this story appeared describing how a man was tasered multiple times including on his genitals when his pants were pulled down. And as a search of Google News will immediately show you, this incident is far from being a singleton. I have said this before but let me say it again. Back in the 1980s the Deputy Chief of Police of Los Angeles, and the Deputy Mayor of the city were on a board of directors on which I also served. We had dinner one night and I asked the Deputy Chief for his views on the men and women who served in the city's police force. He told me that based on 30+ years in law enforcement his assessment was that 15% of police were heroes, everything one could ask of a sworn officer. Another 15% were thugs and bullies, and the remaining 70% went with the flow. If they were paired with a thug they bullied, if paired with a hero, they were heroic. He told me he thought this was true in almost any department.  I have never forgotten his assessment, and that is my main concern about tasers. You never know who is holding one.

Newly-released body camera footage shows an Arizona police officer using a Taser on a suspect 11 times, including on the man’s genitals, as his horrified wife and children watched on.

The tense encounter — which occurred in July 2017 in Glendale — led to a federal lawsuit and one officer’s suspension.

Officers say they approached Jonny Wheatcroft during a traffic stop and asked for his ID.

After claiming Wheatcroft was being uncooperative, the cops pulled him out of the car’s passenger seat onto the ground and used a Taser on him while he was still tangled in his seatbelt.

His wife Anya Chapman and their two children, ages 11 and 6, yelled and screamed from inside the vehicle.

Officer Matt Schneider, Mark Lindsey and Michael Fernandez could be seen detaining Wheatcroft.

A surveillance camera in the parking lot shows Chapman throwing a bag of bottles […]

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Two-Thirds of Personal Bankruptcies Are Caused by Illness and Medical Bills

Stephan:  In the United States citizens are increasingly basically cows to be milked, by the tax system, by the legal system, and nowhere is it clearer than what happens to people trapped in the illness profit system. In no other developed country do citizens go bankrupt because of healthcare.  In the U.S., as this report describes, two-thirds of personal bankruptcies are caused by interactions with this wretched system. Most Europeans, when you talk with them, express disbelief that it could be true, and are gobsmacked by the numbers. When you hear a politician say "socialized medicine," know that what they are really saying is, "I am a servant of the illness profit system which gives hundreds of thousands of dollars to my campaign. My job is to protect their profits, and I think you are too stupid to figure that out." No rational person who doesn't have some other priority can justify a system that produces such dreadfully poor health outcomes, America ranks 37th in the world according to the WHO,  yet costs two to five times more as a percentage of GDP than any other developed nation.

Filing for bankruptcy can stop the financial bleeding that the health care system imposes, but curing that system’s ills is the only lasting solution.
Credit: Rubberball/Getty

A new study shows how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has failed to solve one of the major crises in the American for-profit health insurance system that it was supposed to help eradicate: bankruptcies related to high medical bills and other healthcare-related costs.

The Consumer Bankruptcy Project (CBP) examined 910 bankruptcies that were filed between 2013 and 2016 and found that, similarly to before the ACA was passed in 2010, 66.5 percent of the bankruptcies were brought about by medical bills families were unable to afford or income loss due to illnesses.

About 530,000 American households continue to see their finances wiped out each year due to medical costs, according to the report, which was published in the American Journal of Public Health.

“Unless you’re Bill Gates, you’re just one serious illness away from bankruptcy,” said Dr. David Himmelstein, the study’s lead author. “For middle-class Americans, health insurance offers little […]

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The US-Mexico border wall is planned to go straight through a butterfly sanctuary

Stephan:  Trump has made it clear that he cares nothing for the environment unless it can be turned to profit, whether a golf course or a coal mine. Under Trump's orders, to sooth his degenerate ego we are about to wreck the National Butterfly Center. Don't look to the Congress to do anything, and depending on whether those suing to protect the center get a Republican judge or one actually interested in judicial objectivity, the courts may or may not help. I suggest you download some butterfly pictures so when your grandchildren come to you and ask you what a butterfly was you have something to show them.

Border Patrol maps show the planned border wall cutting through the center’s land.

The US government shutdown may not have secured funding for the border wall president Trump wanted, but last year’s budget did include $1.6 billion for the construction of 33 miles-worth of barrier, a section of which is about to be erected in Texas. And that section is slated to go right through the refuge lands of the National Butterfly Center.

Federal officials say they plan to start construction of the wall on federally-owned land nearby, but US Customs and Border Protection maps reviewed by the Associated Press show that the planned wall would “cut through the butterfly center, a nearby state park, and a century-old Catholic chapel next to the river,” the AP writes.

One hydraulic excavator has already been “pre-positioned” on land “owned by the US Fish and Wildlife Service,” a US Customs and Border Protection official wrote in an email to Quartz on Wednesday (Feb. 6). Construction will begin there in “mid-February,” the official wrote.

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New Data Shows How the US Ban on Global Funds for Abortion Spectacularly Backfires

Stephan:  The breaching of the Founders' wall between church and state begun under Reagan, and continued under George W. Bush has reached a point where American health and foreign policy in the Trump administration is being dictated by christofascists.  Here are the results. As usual, of course, as with anything involving sex dictated by religion, there were unintended consequences, and women were the principal victims.

Nana, 24, walks back to her home in Betsingilo, Madagascar, with her five-year-old son. She has two children and recently received a birth control implant from a Marie Stopes International mobile clinic.
Credit: Carolyn Van Houten/Washington Post/Getty

In early 2017, Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK), the longest-running network of family planning clinics in the African country, faced a dilemma. For five decades, the organization had helped the community’s most vulnerable with services like HIV, testing, cervical cancer screening, free contraceptives, and abortion counseling and referrals.

But that year, as one of his first acts in office, President Donald Trump banned federal aid for international organizations that so much as talk about abortion. So Family Health Options had to decide: stop offering abortion referrals and education to patients in need or lose $2 million in international aid. “It was a catastrophe,” Melvine Ouyo, a nurse and then a Family Health Options clinic director in Nairobi, said. Ultimately, her organization decided it couldn’t sacrifice the quality of care it provides to patients and refused to agree to the Trump administration’s new stipulations. “As […]

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Hundreds of Southern Baptist leaders, volunteers accused of sexual misconduct in bombshell investigation

Stephan:  It isn't just the Roman Catholic clergy, although perhaps because of celibacy rules they are the worst. The truth that dare not be spoken is that all the Abrahamic religions have a deeply distorted and dysfunctional view of human sexuality and gender equality. Why? Because it is basically the view of human sexuality and gender held by nomadic middle eastern tribes in the Middle Bronze Age. Not surprisingly the more involved with religion the higher the proportional percentage of molestation of youth, poor gender equality, and sexual dysfunction. The Southern Baptists are yet another proof of this truth, as this report lays out.

Hundreds of leaders and volunteers within Southern Baptist churches nationwide have been accused of sexual misconduct. Debbie Vasquez is pictured holding a photo of herself at age 14, when she said her pastor first molested her.
Credit: AP/Donna McWilliam

Hundreds of leaders and volunteers within Southern Baptist churches across the nation have been accused of sexual misconduct against young churchgoers for decades – many of them quietly returning to church roles even after being convicted for sex crimes.

A bombshell investigation by the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express-News found that over the last 20 years, about 380 Southern Baptist church leaders and volunteers have faced credible accusations of sexual misconduct. Of those, roughly 220 were convicted of sex crimes or received plea deals, in cases involving more than 700 victims in all, the report found. Many accusers were young men and women, who allegedly experienced everything from exposure to pornography to rape and impregnation at the hands of church members.

The newspapers reported that the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) largely […]

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