Central American migrants are rescued by members of the Beta group of the National Mexican Institute of Migration, dedicated to the protection and defense of the human rights of migrants, as they were trying to cross the Rio Bravo, which divides the cities of Eagle Pass, Texas and Piedras Negras, in Coahuila state, Mexico, on February 15, 2019.
Credit: Juliio Cesar/Getty
The State Department has made clear it was not just an idle threat. The United States will be blocking all federal aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras for their failure to address the flow of migrants. The move comes a day after President Donald Trump blamed the countries for being behind migrant caravans that make their way to the United States. “We were giving them $500 million. We were paying them tremendous amounts of money, and we’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” Trump said on Friday. Trump also warned he was ready to close the southern border if Mexico […]