Social Democratic Nations Rank Happiest on Global Index (Again). US Ranking Falls (Again).

Stephan:  For my American readers: Aren't you happy to live in the 19th happiest country in the world. What you say, the U.S. is not the happiest country? Sorry, that is just another of the political lies we are told over and over as if repetition would make it so. The sad truth is we aren't any of the things you hear both Democratic and Republican politicians say in their stump speeches, and because we lie to ourselves constantly and it is a taboo not to lie, we can't create social policies based on reality, which is one of the reasons we are the 19th happiest country.

The social democracy of Finland was once again ranked number one on the United Nations’ World Happiness Report, released on Wednesday, while the corporate-dominated United States fell one place to rank at 19th.

For the seventh year in a row, the UN’s Sustainable Development Solutions Network released a report ranking 156 countries according to measures including income, freedom, trust in government, and social support.

The United States fell one place from last year, ranking as only the 19th-happiest nation in the world despite being the wealthiest nation in the world.

Finland has less wealth than the U.S., but the UN’s report suggests that the country’s commitment to ensuring an equitable quality of life for all its residents has led to greater satisfaction among the population.

The top ten countries were largely Nordic nations with strong social welfare systems and an emphasis on equality.

“It’s not about Finnish DNA. It’s the way life is lived in those countries.” —John F. Helliwell, economistFinland was followed by Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and the Netherlands, all of which were highly ranked last year as well. Among the top 20 countries, all but the U.S. has […]

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More bad news for coal: Wind and solar are getting cheaper

Stephan:  In spite of everything the Trump administration, the Kochs, and the coal barons have tried to keep the coal industry alive, coal is doomed, as it oil. As you read this I think it is important to see this story in context. Coal and oil are just different places on the same spectrum. Because coal is the dirtiest it's going first, but oil will follow. I see this as excellent good news.

NEW YORK, NEW YORK — The simple laws of economics threaten to doom America’s remaining coal power plants.

Wind and solar costs have plunged so rapidly that 74% of the US coal fleet could be phased out for renewable energy — and still save customers money, according to a report released on Monday by Energy Innovation, a nonpartisan think tank.
That figure of at-risk coal plants in the United States rises to 86% by 2025 as solar and wind costs continue to plunge.
The research demonstrates how it’s increasingly more expensive to operate existing coal plants than build clean energy alternatives.
“US coal plants are in more danger than ever before,” Mike O’Boyle, director of electricity policy at Energy Innovation, told CNN Business. “Nearly three-quarters of US coal plants are already ‘zombie coal,’ or the walking dead.”
That’s despite President Donald Trump’s promise to revive the beleaguered coal industry. Trump declared the end of the […]

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Failed Economics

Stephan:  Rex Weyler is one of the founders of Greenpeace, and a very thoughtful and insightful writer. This essay makes the assessment that I think is the correct one. Neoliberal economics is destroying every society in which it is practiced and nowhere more than the United States, and we are at the social equivalent of 4th stage cancer. Weyler makes the case very well, and makes the crucial addition, which SR readers know, of adding the environment, so often overlooked or ignored, into the calculation. This willful ignorance, which Weyler has corrected, arises because the economic posture of profit as the only priority and value to be considered, has linked with the Abrahamic dominionist world view that we have dominion over the earth and all its creatures, and can do with them as we like without consequences. The preceding two stories make it clear that is a lie.

“The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer,” is an ancient maxim that dates back thousands of years. In our era, we must add: “And wild nature gets trampled.”

A recently cleared area inside PT Damai Agro Sejahtera concession oil palm concession, part of the Bumitama group, in Muara Kayong hamlet, Nanga Tayap sub-district, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan.

At the end of 2018, Credit Suisse published its updated report on global wealth. Forty-two-million millionaires and billionaires comprise the richest 0.5% of the world’s population. That translates to 0.8% of adults in the report, possessing 44.8% of the world’s economic wealth. A decade ago, researchers commonly reported that the wealthy 15% of humanity owned 85% of the resources. Today, 6.2% (9.5% of adults) now claim 85% of the wealth. The rich got richer.

The super-elites, the 2,208 billionaires — those who attend Global Economic Summits, own banks, buy off governments, pollute with impunity, and hold political influence in virtually every nation in the world — comprise not the “1%” but only 28-millionths […]

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Trump’s acting Defense secretary under investigation for allegedly using his office to enrich Boeing

Stephan:  Another Trump high office appointee, this time the Acting Secretary of Defense, Patrick Shanahan, is under investigation for criminal behavior. I find this one of the most amazing stories about Trump and his administration, and am always surprised that few people seem to see it. In the whole of American history there has never been an administration with this percentage of people under either investigation, driven from office, or already convicted of criminal behavior. There are more new scandals every day in the Trump administration than the Obama administration over its eight years.

Patrick Shanahan, Acting Secretary of Defense

On Wednesday, POLITICO reported that Patrick Shanahan, President Donald Trump’s acting Secretary of Defense, is under investigation by the inspector general of the Pentagon for allegedly using his office to enrich aerospace giant Boeing, his former employer of 31 years:

“The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General has decided to investigate complaints we recently received that Acting Secretary Patrick Shanahan allegedly took actions to promote his former employer, Boeing, and disparage its competitors, allegedly in violation of ethics rules,” DoD IG spokesperson Dwrena Allen said.

“In his recent Senate Armed Services Committee testimony, Acting Secretary Shanahan stated that he supported an investigation into these allegations,” she said. “We have informed him that we have initiated this investigation.”

The investigation follows a complaint submitted last week by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), in response to a January POLITICO report revealing that Shanahan, when he was Deputy Defense Secretary, promoted Boeing in Pentagon meetings and criticized Lockheed Martin, the developer of the […]

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Looking to the Future, Public Sees an America in Decline on Many Fronts

Stephan:  This is what a majority of Americans think when they think about the future.

Credit: Rachel Black/EyeEm/Getty

When Americans peer 30 years into the future, they see a country in decline economically, politically and on the world stage. While a narrow majority of the public (56%) say they are at least somewhat optimistic about America’s future, hope gives way to doubt when the focus turns to specific issues.

A new Pew Research Center survey focused on what Americans think the United States will be like in 2050 finds that majorities of Americans foresee a country with a burgeoning national debt, a wider gap between the rich and the poor and a workforce threatened by automation.

Majorities predict that the economy will be weaker, health care will be less affordable, the condition of the environment will be worse and older Americans will have a harder time making ends meet than they do now. Also predicted: a terrorist attack as bad as or worse than 9/11 sometime over the next 30 years.

These grim predictions mirror, in part, the public’s sour mood about the current state of the country. The share of Americans who […]

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