Stephan: Racial equality, immigration, socialism, and gender equality are the four issues guaranteed to get the ultra-right frothing at the mouth. Theirs are, in fact, arguments for morons. This report focuses just on socialism, and I am glad to see this data, because it strips away a ton of lies and disinformation.
To begin with, I always find it amusing to hear a rich person arguing against socialism. Why? Because the United States is, on the basis of data, the most socialist nation in the developed world. Let me say that again. The United States is the most socialist nation in the developed world. The distinction is that socialism in America is entirely oriented toward cossetting and giving advantage to the rich through an endless list of tax breaks, subsidies, special arrangements, and political influence. If you think your senator pays as much attention to you as he or she does to a billionaire who calls asking for a meeting, you live in wonderland.
The reality is that on issues like education, medical care, prenatal care, post-natal care, education, and eldercare, social policies that foster wellbeing, it is indisputable that socialism produces better social outcomes than privatization or the market. And, as this report lays out, Americans are beginning to recognize this truth.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Americans today are more closely divided than they were earlier in the last century when asked whether some form of socialism would be a good or bad thing for the country. While 51% of U.S. adults say socialism would be a bad thing for the country, 43% believe it would be a good thing. Those results contrast with a 1942 Roper/Fortune survey that found 40% describing socialism as a bad thing, 25% a good thing and 34% not having an opinion.
More Americans Now See Socialism as a Good Thing for the Country
Would some form of socialism be a good thing or a bad thing for the country as a whole?
pct. pts.
Good thing
Bad thing
No opinion
Net “good thing”
Note: 1942 data gathered by Roper Center for Public Opinion Research
The Roper/Fortune survey is one of the oldest trend questions measuring attitudes on socialism in the U.S. Gallup’s update of the question in an April 17-30 survey finds Americans more likely to have an opinion on the matter now, as well as a smaller gap in the percentage calling socialism a bad thing vs. a good thing.
Previous Gallup research shows that Americans’ definition of socialism has changed […]