Donald Trump and Tim Moore
Republicans on Monday sought a court order to block damning documents from being used against them in a lawsuit.
“North Carolina Republican lawmakers on Monday asked a court to make sure the files of the now-deceased GOP strategist Tom Hofeller are destroyed, or at least kept secret, instead of being used in a high-profile gerrymandering lawsuit,” the Raleigh News & Observer reported.
“The filing comes after the groups behind the lawsuit, including Common Cause, accused Republican lawmakers of making false statements in court in a previous gerrymandering case, when the state’s 2011 maps were ruled unconstitutional,” the newspaper noted. “That blockbuster accusation made national headlines and was, it said, based on Hofeller’s files which had been secret until recently.”
That was not the only damning revelation from the documents, which have been described as the smoking gun documents proving the GOP’s white supremacy.
“On Monday, the lawyers for the legislative leaders responded by not only requesting that the files be kept secret, but also by suggesting that […]