Saturday, June 22nd, 2019
They are concentration camps. You and I, thanks to our presidential criminal, are funding concentration camps. Use the words, get used to the words, because they are the accurate words. How does that feel? Here are two dictionary definitions of concentration camp:
con·cen·tra·tion camp
/ˌkänsənˈtrāSHən ˈˌkamp/
a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution.
Concentration Camp | Definition of Concentration Camp by Merriam ..
A place where large numbers of people (such as prisoners of war, political prisoners, refugees, or the members of an ethnic or religious minority) are detained or confined under armed guard.
We are paying to put children in unheated cages, to leave them there for weeks at a time. They can't wash, they cannot change their clothes, brush their teeth. They sleep on cold concrete floors covered only by tinfoil emergency blankets. Many are smeared with feces and vomit, frightened, wondering where they are, why they are there. And then there are the government and corporate employees who are doing this. This is not going to stop until we rise up as citizens and stop it. Here are some places to start, but what is needed is a new Nuremberg trial for Trump and those that are doing this.
There are a number of mobilizations and campaigns you can support if you would like to get more involved in the fight against Trump’s concentration camps. There is a national call for vigils to be held on July 12 to “expose U.S. concentration camps.” There will also be a mobilization of survivors of Japanese internment camps and their descendents at Fort Sill in Oklahoma on Saturday. People who cannot attend can donate to help survivors and their families make the trip. People can also support Mijente’s ongoing campaign aimed at dismantling ICE’s deportation infrastructure, including software written by the data mining firm Palantir. If you would like to help bail people out of immigrant detention, you can give to migrant bail funds like the Immigrant Family Defense Fund.
American concentration camp
The words “Holocaust” and “concentration camp” were trending on Twitter on Tuesday. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had referred to the prison camps that migrant children are being kept in as “concentration camps,” and a virtual war erupted. The feigned outrage of conservatives was loud. Some argued that the Holocaust was a singular event, to which no parallel should be claimed. Meanwhile, many historians and people personally connected to the Holocaust insisted that the comparison was valid.
As a Native writer and a Jewish writer, respectively, whose ancestors and cultures were subject to attempted state-sanctioned annihilation, we are not opposed to people using the words “concentration camps” to describe the camps in which migrant children, teens and adults are being caged. The words accurately apply, and we should not hesitate to use Holocaust comparisons in appropriate situations like this one. However, if we stop at analogies that are suggestive of a faraway time and place, we are disregarding a wide web of interconnected atrocities that impact millions of people right now […]
We are all one race: the human race. Why can people not understand that basic fact and treat each other as brothers and sisters???? We need to all work together to solve the very real Climate Change problem which will destroy the entire planet or at least all life on it, as has already been seen to have begun by scientists and those who pay attention to reality around the world.