“Easy to Pay for Something That Costs Less”: New Study Shows Medicare for All Would Save US $5.1 Trillion Over Ten Years

Stephan:  As the election is gearing up, I am once again hearing the neoliberals crying out: How will we pay for the crazy ideas the Democratic candidates are proposing about healthcare for all.  So I want to let you in on the deep secret no one in the American illness profit system wants you to know. Everything the neoliberal Republican Trumpers and the insurance companies are saying is crap. That's not an opinion that's a fact. Here are some facts. They are a year old, but still valid. The truth is your health is irrelevant, sick or well, you are a cow to be milked so that the people who control this evil system can keep making grotesque profits. If you have any sense at all you will vote for the Democratic candidates, and advocate for someone like Elizabeth Warren who actually understands data, and has spent her life trying to implement policies that foster wellbeing.

Credit: Margaret Johnson/Eyeem/Getty

BURLINGTON, VERMONT – Confronting the question most commonly asked of the growing number of Americans who support replacing America’s uniquely inefficient and immoral for-profit healthcare system with Medicare for All—”How do we pay for it?”—a new paper released Friday by researchers at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) shows that financing a single-payer system would actually be quite simple, given that it would cost significantly less than the status quo.

“It’s easy to pay for something that costs less,” Robert Pollin, economics professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and lead author of the new analysis, declared during a panel discussion at The Sanders Institute Gathering in Burlingon, Vermont, where Pollin unveiled the paper for the first time.

According to the 200-page analysis of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) Medicare for All Act of 2017, the researchers found that “based on 2017 US healthcare expenditure figures, the cumulative savings for the first decade operating under Medicare for All would be $5.1 trillion, equal to 2.1 percent of cumulative GDP, without accounting for broader macroeconomic […]

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Last year, 40% of honey-bee colonies in the US died. But bees aren’t the only insects disappearing in unprecedented numbers.

Stephan:  We have been warned over and over. As a society we don't listen, and enough of us just don't care. Reporting on this is like watching someone commit suicide.
  • An estimated 41% of global insect species are at risk.
    Credit: Hillary Kladke/Getty

    During the winter, about 40% of honey bee colonies in the US perished.

  • Honey bees pollinate $15 billion worth of US crops every year. Their decline has a major impact on our food production and supply.
  • But the honey bee is just one of many insects in decline — 40% of the world’s insect species are in decline, according to a February 2019 study.
  • The die-offs are happening primarily because insects are losing their habitats to farming and urbanization. The use of pesticidesand fertilizers is also to blame, and so is climate change.
  • The rapid shrinking of insect populations is a sign that the planet is in the midst of a sixth mass extinction.
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

It may feel more natural to fret about wolves, sea turtles, and white rhinos dying off than it is to feel remorse about vanishing bugs.

But the loss of insects is a dire threat […]

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Fundamentalist Christian who founded ‘Biblical Flat Earth Society’ busted on 56 counts of child sexual exploitation


Phillip Stephen Stallings

A fundamentalist Christian man who is the self-proclaimed founder of the “Biblical Flat Earth Society” was arrested this week and charged with 56 counts of child sexual exploitation.

Local news station WTVD reports that Durham, North Carolina resident Phillip Stephen Stallings is facing dozens of charges of sexually exploiting minors after he allegedly “downloaded media that involved minors engaging in sexual activities.”

In addition to facing 28 counts of second-degree sexual exploitation of a minor and 28 counts of third-degree sexual exploitation of a minor, Stallings this week was also served with a warrant related to financial card theft and cyberstalking.

Stallings’s personal website promotes his belief that the Earth is flat and cites biblical justifications for this provably false belief. Stallings believes that there is a conspiracy among the so-called Illuminati to “cover up the flat Earth” that is “certainly connected to sun worship which goes all the way back to Nimrod and the tower of Babel.”

In addition to floating […]

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Blue States Roll Out Aggressive Climate Strategies. Red States Keep to the Sidelines.

Stephan:  Here is further confirmation of the Great Schism Trend. This divergence is going to have a critical effect as the years go on.  I think we will retain the federal form, but power will move to states or regions. For example by the time Mississippi, Alabama, and Lousiana realize climate change is real and a transformative force, the west coast, Blue California, Oregon, and Washington will be so far ahead it will not be possible for the Red states to catch up. The combination of climate change with this distortion I think is going to permanently change the country.

Wind turbines near Palm Springs, Calif. Several states, including New York and California, are pushing ambitious green-energy policies to fight global warming. Credit: Beth Coller for The New York Times

WASHINGTON — At a time when the country is already deeply fractured along partisan lines, individual states are starting to pursue vastly different policies on climate change with the potential to cement an economic and social divide for years to come.

A growing number of blue states are adopting sweeping new climate laws — such as New York’s bill, passed this week, to zero out net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 — that aim to reorient their entire economies around clean energy, transforming the way people get their electricity, heat their homes and commute to work.

But these laws are passing almost exclusively in states controlled by Democrats, while Republican-led states have largely resisted enacting aggressive new climate policies in recent years. At the same time, the Trump administration is rolling back federal climate regulations, which means many […]

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Environmental group says new nuclear power plant too pricey for Utah’s municipal utilities

Stephan:  I take this as excellent news. It is becoming clear that nuclear power as the future is a malignant fantasy.

Proposed Utah nuclear power plant

SALT LAKE CITY — A group opposed to a new type of nuclear plant being developed said Thursday the price of power produced there would be more than other carbon-free energy sources, making it a bad investment for Utah’s municipal utilities.

“We feel the numbers are independent and speak for themselves,” Michael Shea, a senior policy associate for the Healthy Environmental Alliance of Utah, told reporters at a news conference discussing the findings in a new study.

The study, by Salt Lake City-based Energy Strategies, found power produced by the small modular nuclear reactors to be built in Idaho would cost more than $66 per megawatt hour, compared to as low as just over $38 for wind and solar power.

“It does not make economic sense from a market perspective for a group like (the Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems) to be investing in what is essentially a subsidized science project that has not ever been proven,” Shea said.

A statement issued […]

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