Monday, August 26th, 2019
Courtney Linder, - Popular Mechanics
Stephan: And here is a piece of the transition, that illustrates how technologies develop when you change your perspective as to how things ought to work. Once we accept we live in a matrix of consciousness we will come at problems in very different ways.
Elektro Dumpster
Credit: eMiningAG
While electric vehicles are quickly proliferating throughout the world, most electric engines are still relegated to smaller vehicles. The serious work, some argue, is still done by gas guzzling diesel engines. But then there’s the Elekto Dumper—the world’s largest EV—which flouts the rule that EVs can’t handle serious work.
The truck is used to haul lime and marlstone, which contains clay and silt, from the sides of mountains in Switzerland. Then, the material is transported directly to a cement factory. But here’s the really impressive piece of engineering—this heavy dump truck never needs to be charged.
Here’s how it works: The dump truck, itself, weighs 45 tons and ascends a hill at a 13 percent grade, in one scenario. On the way back down, it’s more than twice as heavy, carrying 65 tons of ore. To rectify that scenario, the truck’s “regenerative braking system” actually recaptures the energy created by going downhill, refilling the battery’s charge for the next time the truck travels uphill.
The […]
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Sunday, August 25th, 2019
LUCIAN K. TRUSCOTT IV, - Salon/Raw Story
Stephan: Lucian Truscott has caught the essence of my daily reaction to America under Trump. How about you?
Trump and his White racist base
Another week of shaking our heads and wondering how much longer we can survive him. Yet again, Donald Trump overwhelmed practically everything with the force of his obscene personality, running his mouth and his thumbs even while he was failing to run the country in any sort of conventional sense. He doesn’t actually do anything, but he dominates everything. Living in America today is like being trapped in a room with him — no doors, no windows, no exits, only Trump and the sound of Trump and the hideous image of Trump, all day, every day, for day after day after day.
I was trying to think how to describe what it feels like to live in this country today when I came across a big profile of Neil Young published in this weekend’s New York Times Magazine. The author, David Samuels, was commiserating with Young about the state of music in the age of Spotify and Apple and the digitization of everything comprised of musical notes. […]
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Sunday, August 25th, 2019
Naomi Oreskes, Michael Oppenheimer and Dale Jamieson, - Reader Supported News
Stephan: I have been telling my readers for 10 years that based on my study of the data two principles always obtain in considering climate change trends: One: It is all happening faster than any of the conclusions you read. Two: The results of this trend are always worse than predicted
Here is confirmation from the researchers themselves.
Climate change and its impacts are emerging faster than scientists previously thought.
Credit: AFP
Recently, the U.K. Met Office announced a revision to the Hadley Center historical analysis of sea surface temperatures (SST), suggesting that the oceans have warmed about 0.1 degree Celsius more than previously thought. The need for revision arises from the long-recognized problem that in the past sea surface temperatures were measured using a variety of error-prone methods such as using open buckets, lamb’s wool–wrapped thermometers, and canvas bags. It was not until the 1990s that oceanographers developed a network of consistent and reliable measurement buoys.
Then, to develop a consistent picture of long-term trends, techniques had to be developed to compensate for the errors in the older measurements and reconcile them with the newer ones. The Hadley Centre has led this effort, and the new data set—dubbed HadSST4—is a welcome advance in our understanding of global climate change.
But that’s where the good news ends. Because the oceans cover three fifths of the globe, this […]
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Sunday, August 25th, 2019
DAVID FLESHLER, Reporter - South Florida Sun Sentinel - Palm Beach Post/Florida Climate Reporting Network
Stephan: The Gulf Stream affects the weather of countries all over the world, but particularly the U.S. east coast, the U.K. and Germany. That's right Germany. And, as this report describes, the Gulf Stream is undergoing massive change. While the Republicans and Trump keep denying climate change even exists, it is altering the future of the world.
The gulf has reached its weakest point in 1,600 years. Scientists disagree on whether climate change or natural cycles account for the slowdown.
The Gulf Stream, the warm current that brings the east coast of Florida the mixed blessings of abundant swordfish, mild winters and stronger hurricanes, may be weakening because of climate change.
Visible from the air as a ribbon of cobalt blue water a few miles off the coast, the Gulf Stream forms part of a clockwise system of currents that transports warm water from the tropics up the east coast and across the Atlantic to northwestern Europe. In the frigid climate near Greenland, the water cools, sinks and flows south again, rolling through the deep ocean toward the tropics.
This marine circulatory system has reached its weakest point in 1,600 years, recent studies show, having lost about 15 percent of its strength since the mid-20th century. Scientists disagree on whether climate change or natural cycles account for the slowdown. But a consensus has emerged that climate change will lead to a slower Gulf Stream system in the future, as melting ice sheets in Greenland disrupt the system with discharges of cold fresh water.
A weaker Gulf Stream would mean higher […]
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Sunday, August 25th, 2019
Stephan: Trump and his administration do not like national parks and monuments and are doing everything they can to diminish them so his rich christofascist friends can get at the mineral and petroleum resources to be found on those public lands. It's despicable but very much a mark of the modern Republicans. Teddy Roosevelt who created the national parks and cared passionately about them was a Republican and would be nauseated at what Republicanism has become. Can you imagine either Roosevelt or Lincoln in the same party as Trump? Neither can I because the Republic Party has become a christofascist White Supremacy cult.
Rock formations in the Grand Staircase-Escalante national monument.
Credit: Alamy
A new US government plan had cleared the way for coal mining and oil and gas drilling on land stripped from Utah’s Grand Staircase-Escalante monument by the Trump administration two years ago.
The plan, released by the Bureau of Land Management on Friday, would also open more lands to cattle grazing and recreation and acknowledges there could be “adverse effects” on land and resources in the monument.
Trump drastically shrank the southern Utah monument in 2017, as well as the nearby Bears Ears national monument, in what represented the largest elimination of public lands protections in US history. Some 800,000 acres were removed from the Grand Staircase.
The move was widely condemned by conservation and paleontology groups, who have filed ongoing lawsuits challenging Trump’s authority to downsize the monument.
They say the new BLM plan lacks adequate protections for the land and reiterated their concern that the years spent creating the plan were a waste of taxpayer resources because the […]
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