FEC Republicans block efforts to investigate NRA’s financial ties to Russia

Stephan:  And yet a third example of Republican governance. The federal agencies are being reconstructed from the inside to create the christofascist authoritarian government their worldview demands. On the face of what they are doing they make it clear they are not about defending democracy.

Credit: Jeremy Hogan/SOPA Images/LightRocket/ Getty

Late last week, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadlocked on whether to pursue an investigation into potential Russian financing of the National Rifle Association (NRA). The split 2-2 vote fell along partisan lines, with the FEC’s two Republicans voting against any further inquiry into whether Alexander Torshin, a sanctioned Russian official, and Maria Butina, a convicted Russian agent, grew close to the NRA in order to help direct the group’s 2016 political donations.

FEC Chair Ellen Weintraub castigated her Republican colleagues in an open letter, issued immediately after the vote.

In the letter, Weintraub noted that the NRA not only admitted that it had received previous donations from unidentified Russian nationals, but that the NRA likewise saw a substantial spike in its own political donations in 2016, issuing nearly $35 million more in political donations in 2016 than in the previous presidential election. The NRA admittedthat Butina had once paid nearly $570 […]

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Farm bankruptcies in the Midwest have jumped 45% since Trump started his trade war with China

Stephan:  All those farmers who voted for Trump and their Republican congressional members, are being sacrificed for that act.

The rate of farm bankruptcies is increasing all over the country.

As Trump digs in his heels on his ongoing trade war with China, farm bankruptcies continue to pile up, according to data compiled by the Farm Bureau and Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAP Action).

Farm bankruptcies across the country have increased by 13% from June 2018 to June 2019, according to the Farm Bureau. Those dates roughly correspond with Trump’s ongoing trade war with China, which began in March 2018 when Trump announced tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods.

The two countries have escalated the trade war since then, with China repeatedly targeting U.S. farm products in retaliation for Trump’s increasing tariffs. In the most recent escalation, Trump threatenedan additional 10% tariff on Chinese goods starting Sept. 1, and China responded by refusing to purchase any U.S. agricultural products.

At a 2016 campaign stop in Iowa, Trump vowed he would “negotiate trade deals to help our farmers, help them export their goods, and make money […]

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Trump Accuses Jewish Democrats of ‘Great Disloyalty’

Stephan:  Trump is such a blatant anti-Semite that he could actually say this from the White House with no shame at all. We've sunk to a level I never thought I would see.

The comments were the latest turn in a controversy that erupted when Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were barred from an Israel trip.
Credit:Jenn Ackerman/The New York Times

WASHINGTON — President Trump said on Tuesday that any Jewish person who votes for a Democrat is guilty of ignorance or “great disloyalty,” intensifying his efforts to drive in a partisan wedge over religion and support for Israel even as he appeared to draw on an anti-Semitic trope.

Mr. Trump did not go into specifics about what he considered to be Jews’ disloyalty, but his language is reminiscent of the anti-Semitic smear that Jews have a “dual loyalty” and are more devoted to Israel than they are to their own countries.

Mr. Trump’s comments were the latest turn in a controversy over religion and politics that erupted last week after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, at the president’s urging, barred an official visit to Israel by the first two Muslim women in Congress, Representatives Ilhan […]

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China could overwhelm US military in Asia in hours, Australian report says

Stephan:  The U.S. spends more on its military than the next seven countries combined, yet every war we have fought since, and including, Viet Nam we have lost. Why is this happening? Dwight Eisenhower the most knowledgable and militarily sophisticated person to ever occupy the White House warned us, the military was becoming basically a giant grift run by a small group of corporations principally for their profit. Just like our illness profit system.

Chinese missiles on display

HONG KONG — The US military is no longer the primary force in Asia, and missiles from China’s rapidly improving military could overwhelm its bases in hours, according to a new report.

The study by the United States Study Center, at the University of Sydney, in Australia, warned that America’s defense strategy in the Indo-Pacific region “is in the throes of an unprecedented crisis” and could struggle to defend its allies against China.
That means Australia, Japan and other US partners need to build up and refocus their forces in the region, and consider increased cooperation with the US, to ensure their security, the study claimed.
The report highlights areas where China’s military is making huge strides in comparison to the US and its Asian allies and partners. Chief among those is in missiles.
“China has deployed a formidable array of precision missiles and other counter-intervention systems to undercut America’s military primacy,” the report states. Those missiles number in the thousands, the report says.

US Is Obstructing Treaty to Ban “Killer Robots”

Stephan:  Remember the Terminator movies. This is how it starts and, once again, the United States under Trump and the Republicans is on the wrong side of morality and history.

Activists take part in a campaign to ban killer robots during an action in Berlin, Germany, on March 21, 2019.
Credit: Wolfgang Kumm / Getty

Human rights advocates renewed their call for a preemptive ban on so-called “killer robots” on Monday as they accused the United States of being among a small number of countries working to halt progress on an international treaty to address the numerous concerns the weapons raise.

The accusation came a day before representatives from dozens of countries gather in Geneva to meet on the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, also known as the Inhumane Weapons Convention.

The convention, according to the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, has yet to produce a treaty with teeth. Such a document would effectively ban lethal autonomous weapons systems, as they’re formally known, by requiring “meaningful human control over the use of force.”

“Lives will be taken based on algorithms” without that kind of safeguard, the campaign said in a tweet on Sunday.

The U.S. isn’t the only nation being singled out for being an outlier […]

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