Early this month, workers at the Washington headquarters of the Bureau of Land Management gathered to discuss a Trump administration plan that would force some 200 people to uproot their lives or find other jobs.
With a vague plan that keeps changing as officials describe it — and no guarantees that Congress would fully fund their relocations — the employees were being detailed to distant locations in the West like Grand Junction, Colorado, and Reno, Nevada. Many career staff saw the move as part of a wider Trump administration effort to drive federal employees out of their jobs. Acting White House chief of staff Mike Mulvaney has described that approach as a “wonderful way to streamline government.”
The hemorrhaging has already begun. After an hour of exasperated questions from employees, Steve Tryon, a deputy assistant director, told the room he had taken an assignment elsewhere in the Interior Department, the BLM’s parent agency. The post, he explained, had a chance of leading to a permanent placement in Washington.
“I hope you can […]
What is so sad as a ‘foreigner’ to witness is the acquiescence of the American public right now. When it explodes, and it will, the guns will come out, including all the aurtomatic war weapons, alas! All of a sudden living in a forest in a sparsely populated place looks safe…temporarily.
John you are not the only “foreigner” that is amazed by the American public. Everyday I feel more and more “the stranger in a strange land” that is drowning in stupid, cruel, chaotic sewage. The corruption and decline of my country brought trump to power and I believe his dark gift is to show us just how corrupt things already were. Now what to do about it when 40% of Americans think himself is the answer? Do we sink into conflict and/or rise to renewal and commit to people before profits?
I just saw on the local TV news that Pelosi is going ahead with the impeachment proceedings; maybe now we can finally get rid of Trump.