Children at Jesus camp
President Donald Trump lies so often that it is no longer shocking when it happens, no matter how blatant or absurd the falsehood may be. Not only does Trump regularly exaggerate the truth, he frequently denies facts that can be observed directly from video or audio tapes. This has led some professionals to diagnose his lying as compulsive or pathological, and many psychologists have pointed out that he is constantly gaslighting his base—a term that refers to a strategic attempt to get others to question their direct experience of reality.
With so much evidence to contradict his claims, like having the largest inauguration crowd size despite pictures clearly showing otherwise, one must wonder how there are still people out there who believe anything the man says. But the fact of the matter is there are many who swallow it hook, line, and sinker. Most of his fervent supporters are convinced that Trump is […]
Unless it was changed while I wasn’t looking, it takes an IQ below 70 to qualify as retarded. The criterion many years ago was below 85 but that was changed decades ago because it unjustly stigmatized those in the 70-85 range. Keeping in mind that the only thing IQ really predicts is academic achievement, not gullibility. Further, assuming that a lower than typical IQ makes one gullible, one is just a gullible to B.S. from the left as from the right. Anyone that thinks the Democrats or Republicans are God’s gift to humanity is sadly deluded. A pox on both their houses.
Your final statement can be taken to mean that you believe Democrats and Republicans are equal. Perhaps you have not been reading this site very long, but as far as the environment goes, that is not the case at all. There could not be a bigger difference between the environmental policies of the Trump Republicans and those of Obama era Democrats.