These refined carbohydrates could be feeding the bad bacteria in the small intestine,” said researcher Marit Zinocker, “and that’s where inflammation starts.”
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The case against processed food just keeps getting stronger. But, amazingly, we still don’t understand exactly why it’s so bad for us.
In two papers published in the BMJ in May 2019, the more ultraprocessed — or industrially manufactured — foods a person ate, the more likely they were to get sick and even die. In one study, they were more likely to suffer from cardiovascular problems. The other linked an ultraprocessed diet to a higher risk of death from all causes.
Those studies followed a first-of-its-kind randomized controlled trial, out of the National Institutes of Health: Researchers found people following an ultraprocessed diet ate about 500 more calories per day than those consuming minimally processed, whole foods. Then, a December paper in JAMA Internal Medicine found that the more ultraprocessed food a person ate, the higher their risk of Type 2 diabetes.
Sure, potato chips, cookies, and hot dogs are chock-full of salt, […]
As a caretaker of a person (My wife, Barbara) who is legally blind, has diabetes as well as many heart issues including a leaking mitral valve, we have known for decades that these bad foods are killing people. All people should eat organic food only and whole food in general, not the processed crap that some people eat and let their children eat, which will take years off their lifespans.
My wife, Barbara and I have known for decades that eating healthy means eating whole foods which are organic or at least non-GMO since Barbara is a legally blind diabetic with very bad heart problems including a leaking mitral valve and has two heart attacks and a stroke. It takes good food and many supplements to keep her alive. I cannot many people still eat these processed foods and let their children eat them, thus making them less likely to lead a long happy life without health problems.