Credit: MarkWilson/Getty
President Trump’s legal team made numerous campaign contributions to Republican senators overseeing the impeachment trial.
Former independent counsels Ken Starr and Robert Ray, who both investigated former President Bill Clinton ahead of his impeachment, contributed thousands of dollars to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell last year before they joined the president’s team, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics (CFPR).
Starr, who lamented that “we are living in … the age of impeachment” during the trial on Monday and accused Democrats of waging a “domestic war,” gave $2,800 to McConnell in July 2019, according to CFPR.
Ray, who wanted to indict Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair but now claims Trump has been vindicated by the transcript of his July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, contributed the maximum $5,600 to McConnell in September 2019, according to the report.
The contributions came months before McConnell bragged to Fox News host Sean Hannity that he would be in “total coordination with the White House counsel’s office and the people who are representing the president in the well […]
Public financing of our elected officials is the Only way to remove corruption and begin to restore our Democratic process. Overturning Citizens United, which opened the flood gates of special interest money into the electoral process cementing corruption, must become a priority. Only then will America produce candidates who actually represent We, the People, rather than the corporations and special interests. It’s up to Us.