More pizza, fewer vegetables: Trump administration further undercuts Obama school-lunch rules

Stephan:  One of the major things Michelle Obama accomplished while she was First Lady, was to get the dreadful diet -- fat, fried, sugared -- we were feeding public school children upgraded to actually include vegetables. (In contrast you should see what French, Japanese, Norwegian to name three countries, school children get for lunch.) Well, criminal Trump's hatred and envy of the Obamas just couldn't let him leave that healthy upgrade alone. It's back to pizzas and fried foods. If a crappy diet is the president's choice, it's good enough for your peasant child.

Thanks to Trump public school lunch will go back to fat, fried, and sugared.
Credit: The Washington Post

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has taken another whack at former first lady Michelle Obama’s signature achievement: Establishing stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches. And on her birthday.

On Friday, USDA Deputy Under Secretary Brandon Lipps proposed new rules for the Food and Nutrition Service that would allow schools to cut the amount of vegetables and fruits required at lunch and breakfasts while giving them license to sell more pizza, burgers and fries to students. The agency is responsible for administering nutritional programs that feed nearly 30 million students at 99,000 schools.

Lipps said the changes will help address what he described as unintended consequences of the regulations put in place during the Obama administration. For example, when schools were trying to implement innovative solutions such as grab-and-go breakfast off a cart or […]

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White House says Trump Will Issue New Rules to Expand ‘Constitutional Prayer’ in Public Schools

Stephan:  The Founders of America had very strong feelings about creating a firewall between church and state. Criminal Trump who cares nothing for religion, but is very focused on the christofascist Trumpers who support him has no trouble breaching the firewall the Founders erected. Here is his latest action.

President Donald Trump plans to introduce new guidance for expanding “constitutional prayer” in public schools.

According to CBS News broadcaster Steven Portnoy, Trump’s schedule for Thursday includes an announcement about “guidance on constitutional prayer in public schools.”

Steven Portnoy


In addition to China trade deal signing on Wednesday, WH says Trump’s week will include announcing “guidance on constitutional prayer in public schools” on Thursday.

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‘Saving Life on Earth’ for Just $100 Billion: New Roadmap Shows How US Can Address Global Extinction Crisis

Stephan:  This is the kind of thinking and social policies the world needs if we are to maintain a non-authoritarian civilization as climate change worsens. And note, as these things go how cheap it is, a further confirmation of the Theorem of Wellbeing. $100 billion is a fraction of what we spend annually on the military-industrial complex.

The Northern Muriqui was added to the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s “red list” of endangered species in 2019, and has been classified as “critically endangered.” Credit: Leonardo Mercon/VW Pics/Universal Images Group/Getty

As the United Nations unveiled Monday a draft proposal to address threats to biodiversity, a new report outlined a strategy for U.S.-focused “visionary action to save life on Earth.”

The roadmap (pdf) was released Monday by the Center for Biological Diversity. It lays out specific steps for the United States to help end the global extinction crisis.

From the ongoing “insect apocalypse” to the deterioration of “ecosystems on which we and all other species depend” to the hurtling of roughly one million plant and animal species to the brink of extinction, the need for swift and far-reaching action is clear.

“The presence of wildlife brings joy and enriches us all—and each extinction makes our home a lonelier and colder place for us and future generations,” the report states.

The weight of the problem matched in the new publication’s title: Saving Life on Earth (pdf).

“Humans have never witnessed the […]

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Ex-Pharma Lobbyist Embedded in White House Tanked Drug Pricing Bill

Stephan:  Criminal Trump campaigned on lowering drug prices. Like everything he says it was a lie. Here's reality. Think about this the next time you go to pick up a prescription.

President Trump speaks beside Assistant to the President for the Domestic Policy Council Joe Grogan, a former lobbyist for Gilead Sciences, at the White House, on April 4, 2019, in Washington, D.C. Grogan pushed Trump to ditch his support for a House bill to lower drug prices while Gilead-linked groups advertised and lobbied against it.
Credit: Chip Somodevillalla / Getty

In 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump told voters that lowering drug prices would be a top priority of his domestic agenda. When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) introduced a bill to lower drug costs, Trump greeted it with enthusiasm. But in October, Trump executed an about-face, abandoning negotiations on the House bill, claiming it would “harm seniors,” and threatening to veto the bill if it passed the Senate.

The House bill — H.R. 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act — would increase the power of the government to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies for lower prices. But Trump’s top healthcare adviser, former Gilead Sciences lobbyist Joe Grogan, strenuously […]

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The health gap: The rich enjoy ten more years of good health compared to poor

Stephan:  There are many different manifestations of wealth inequality in the United States, but none so fundamental as life itself. And yet the Trumper cult goes on as if it lived in a different world and will not face the truth. It is time for a wealth tax, and for universal single-payer healthcare. Whether enough Americans can muster enough intelligence and intention to make that happen we will see in the 2020 election.

Male nurse doing routine checkup of senior patient in hospital room Credit: Getty /Ridofranz

In a nation in which a one-day hospital visit can cost tens of thousands of dollars, health insurance is hundreds of dollars a month, and a cardio workout class runs in the $40 range, perhaps it is no surprise that the rich are at an advantage when it comes to having better health. Previous research has shown that money matters when it comes to living a longer life in America, but a new study found it affects your quality of life at the end of your life, too.

The research, published in the Journal of Gerontology, took data from 10,754 and 14,803 adults 50 and older from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing and the US Health and Retirement Study. The study’s goal was to better understand how socioeconomic factors affect a one’s person’s quality of life as they age. People from both cohorts were put in three groups based on the total household wealth determined by the sum of net financial wealth and net housing wealth, minus all debts.

The researchers found that the […]

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