Explosive report indicates that Donald Trump’s loans from Deutsche Bank were backed by Russia

Stephan:  Further support for what I have been saying for three years now. Trump is owned by Putin through Russian oligarchs because he owes them hundreds of millions of dollars which they loaned him, when no one else would, to create the illusion he was a real businessman and put him forward as president. To Putin he is one of Lenin's "useful idiots".

Deutsche Bank branch
Credit: Getty

The reasons that Donald Trump would need a massive distraction at this point are numerous. Every day seems to produce fresh evidence that the White House was fully aware that Trump’s delay of military assistance to Ukraine was simply against the law, and that multiple officials engaged in a criminal conspiracy to cover up for Trump and retroactively create an excuse for an inexcusable act. Somewhere right now, Mitch McConnell is probably drafting a statement claiming that the Senate could not possibly consider an impeachment trial “during a time of war.”

But onto that stack of dog-wagging rationales add this one: According to Forensic News, Trump’s loans from Deutsche Bank were underwritten by a Russian state-owned bank. That news reportedly comes from a whistleblower with access to documents from both Deutsche Bank and Russia’s state-owned VTB Bank. VTB Bank was also the proposed lender on the never-completed Trump Tower Moscow project.

The question of […]

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Could this new battery slash the cost of an electric car?

Stephan:  This looks like a game-changer in the adoption of EV vehicles of all kinds. When I read stories like this I always think: Where would be if we had committed to the transition out of the carbon energy era when the oil embargo in 1973 had occurred, or when Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House in 1979? One thing is certain: Had that happened the threat of climate change would be very different.

Nikola One, a Class 8 EV semi long haul truck.
Credit: Nikola Motors

Automakers around the world are investing tens of billions of dollars to electrify their line-ups, but there are still a number of obstacles limiting mainstream acceptance — such as range and cost.

But Phoenix-based Nikola Motors may have found what its CEO describes as the “Holy Grail of batteries,” an alternative to today’s lithium-ion technology that could double the distance a battery-electric vehicle can travel between charges, while cutting battery costs in half.

“We are not talking about small improvements; we are talking about doubling the range of BEVs and hydrogen-electric vehicles around the world,” said Trevor Milton, founder and chief executive of Nikola.

Nikola, a start-up that has focused on hydrogen and battery-powered heavy-duty trucks, isn’t offering many details about the new technology and, considering that other promised breakthroughs have failed to prove production ready, there are plenty of skeptics. Even if it does pan out, tech consultancy ABI Research warns it would likely take several […]

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US saw highest number of mass killings on record in 2019, database reveals

Stephan:  Welcome to murderous America. This is what we look like to the rest of the world.

American school children doing a gun drill
Credit: YouTube

The US suffered more mass killings in 2019 than any year on record, according to researchers.

A database compiled by the Associated Press (AP), USA Today and Northeastern University recorded 41 incidents and a total of 211 deaths.

Mass killings are defined as four or more people being killed in the same incident, excluding the perpetrator.

Among the deadliest in 2019 were the killings of 12 people in Virginia Beach in May and 22 in El Paso in August.

Of the 41 cases in 2019, 33 involved firearms, researchers said. California had the highest number of mass killings per state, with eight.

The database has been tracking mass killings in the US since 2006, but research going back to the 1970s did not not reveal a year with more mass killings, AP reported. The year with the second-highest number of mass killings was 2006, with 38.

Though 2019 had the highest number of incidents, the death toll of 211 was eclipsed by the 224 people who died in mass […]

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Daughter of deceased GOP strategist posts files North Carolina Republicans tried to keep sealed

Stephan:  Have you noticed that whenever a secret becomes public about the Republican Party and democracy it is never exculpatory, but always reinforces their guilt over harming democracy? Here is the latest example of what I mean, and it is yet another condemnation of the Republican Party in North Carolina, as if further condemnation were needed. Read the files at Hofteller’s site. Read the full interview with NPR.

Republican Thomas Hofeller, North Carolina saboteur of his state’s democracy.

North Carolina Republicans have been caught trying to intentionally disenfranchise voters in the state. As NPR reported in an exclusive interview, the GOP has fought in court to try and keep copies of redistricting maps, spreadsheets and other documents from becoming public because it would reveal their work to gerrymander political maps. But the daughter of late GOP strategist Thomas Hofeller posted them on her own website.

“They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller’s role in the Trump administration’s failed push for a census citizenship question,” NPR reported.

More files became available Sunday when Stephanie Hofeller published them on the site “The Hofteller Files.”

“These are matters that concern the people and their franchise and their access to resources. This is, therefore, the property of the people,” Hofeller told NPR. “I won’t be satisfied that we the people have found […]

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Our Poll Finds a Majority of Americans Think Evidence Supports Trump’s Removal

Stephan:  Slowly, very slowly, it appears even the dimmest Trumper is beginning to become concerned that we are about to get into a war created by criminal Trump,  and that he needs to be removed. But we will see. The Senate Republicans are so cynical and corrupt it may come to nothing. If you think Trump should be removed please write or call your Senators and tell them that.

JM Rieger

“Our president will start a war with Iran because he has absolutely no ability to negotiate. He’s weak and he’s ineffective. So the only way he figures that he’s going to get reelected — and as sure as you’re sitting there — is to start a war with Iran.”

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