AntiSolar Panel Can Generate Electricity at Night, Researchers Say

Stephan:  A few months ago I did an initial piece on a new trend with game-changing potential. It described what scientists are beginning to call anti-solar -- not really a very good term -- but very interesting research. Here is the latest development. [Citation:] Whenever I read papers like this one I always think to myself: If we had a government that actually cared about exiting the carbon-energy era, stopped spending billions subsidizing the gas and oil industry, and spent that money on non-carbon energy research, making it a priority, where would we be today?

Illustration Tristan Deppe and Jeremy N. Munday/University of Maryland

One of the problems with solar panels is that they don’t generate electricity at night, so we have to store the electricity they generate during the day to power things during the evening. That works fine, but what if we could develop solar panels that did generate electricity at night? It’s possible, and the way it works is pretty surprising.

Researchers from the University of California, Davis explain in a new paper that was just published in the journal ACS Photonics that if you want to create a solar panel that generates electricity at night, then you just have to create one that operates the exact opposite way solar panels work during the day. It’s being referred to as the “anti-solar panel.”

Solar panels are cold compared to the Sun, so they absorb the Sun’s light and turn it into energy. Space is very cold, so if you point a panel on Earth that is comparatively warm toward it, it will radiate heat as invisible […]

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Taxpayers Get $3.4 Million Tab So Trump Can Host Super Bowl Party For His Club Members

Stephan:  Criminal Trump thinks of himself as a monarch and expects the peasants to support him in that manner, and you just did, to the tune of $3.4 million for his Super Bowl party. I do not understand how anyone can fail to see that this entire administration is one giant grift.

Mar a Lago
Credit: Town & Country

Taxpayers shelled out another $3.4 million to send President Donald Trump to Florida this weekend so he could host a Super Bowl party for paying guests at his for-profit golf course.

The president’s official schedule shows him spending two and a half hours Sunday evening at a “Super Bowl LIV watch party” at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. Tickets sold for $75 each, but were only available to members of the club — the initiation fee for which reportedly runs about $450,000, with annual dues costing several thousands of dollars more.

“Well, obviously there are no TVs in the White House, so what alternative did he have?” quipped Robert Weissman, president of the liberal group Public Citizen. “He could have saved money by chartering a plane and flying club members to watch the game at the White House.”

In response to a query, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham defended Trump’s […]

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Economists warn Trump policies will result in lost jobs and lower wages for American workers

Stephan:  The other day I published several articles showing the real data on economic growth which revealed that criminal Trump's gaslighting on economic performance is nothing but fecal gas. I am far from alone in this assessment, as this report on the effect of immigration on jobs spells out.

Trump at Carrier Corporation

The 20-year-old San Diego bakery Con Pane Rustic Breads & Cafe went out of business this month after an audit by US authorities found immigrants working there illegally.

In April, a small Nebraska town lost a potato processing plant, and the local revenue it generated, in the wake of an immigration raid on its facilities. A restaurant in New York appears to have suffered similar fate in August.

Farmers say they are planting less, turning to automation, eliminating some crops, leaving them to rot in the field or contemplating selling out of the business altogether — all because they cannot find enough immigrant labor.

As the US birth rate is falling and a labor shortage is worsening, President Donald Trump’s crackdown on immigrants could make the situation worse for businesses like these.

Trump and others who favor tighter immigration controls say low-skilled migrant workers compete for American jobs and drive down wages for all workers.

But a growing body of research suggests the contrary: that removing immigrant workers can be destructive, resulting in […]

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Trump’s Audacious New Plan to Cut Medicaid, Explained

Stephan:  Far from expanding healthcare, criminal Trump and his corrupt Trumplicans are doing everything they can to dump the poor out of the system.  (I am no longer going to call this party Republican. I have too much respect for Dwight Eisenhower, Abraham Lincoln, to name but two, and senators like Howard Baker and Everett Dirksen.)

Mount Sinai Hospital emergency room is a “war zone” workers say.
Credit: New York Post

President Donald Trump’s administration is taking its most audacious step yet to roll back Medicaid, with a new plan that would cap spending for the government program upon which poor Americans depend for health insurance. (emphasis added)

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced on Thursday they would accept applications from states that want to set up a Medicaid block grant, a long-held goal of ideological conservatives who want to scale back the social safety net, and one deployed successfully to severely limit cash welfare benefits in the 1990s.

These spending caps would fundamentally change how the program is financed, ending Medicaid’s days as an open-ended entitlement by putting new hard limits on how much the government is willing to spend on health care for certain enrollees. Medicaid would no longer pay whatever is necessary to provide medical care to the people in or near poverty who qualify for its benefits. Instead, spending […]

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Trump’s border wall, vulnerable to flash floods, needs large storm gates left open for months

Stephan:  The insanity of criminal Trump's border wall, on which we are squandering billions of dollars is becoming more obvious every day. You probably read or heard about a large section of it being blown over during a high wind... wait for the drum roll... and falling over into Mexico. Now, this. If we had spent those billions helping central American nations prepare for climate change, and strengthen and stabilize their societies none of this would be necessary.  As it is criminal Trump's wall is just going to be an ongoing, money-draining screw-up.  

Debris is caught against closed floodgates on border fencing Jan. 7 in the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in Lukeville, Ariz. Such floodgates need to be left open during the summer.
Credit: Carolyn Van Houten/The Washington Post)

NACO, Ariz. — President Trump’s border wall probably will require the installation of hundreds of storm gates to prevent flash floods from undermining or knocking it over, gates that must be left open for months every summer during “monsoon season” in the desert, according to U.S. border officials, agents and engineers familiar with the plans.

The open, unmanned gates in remote areas already have allowed for the easy entry of smugglers and migrants into the United States.

At locations along the U.S. southern border where such gates already are in operation, Border Patrol agents must manually raise them every year before the arrival of the summer thunderstorms that convert riverbeds into raging torrents […]

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