US is 39th best country for children to grow up in behind Saudi Arabia and Bosnia

Stephan:  For several years now I have been doing research and publishing research papers showing that America is one of the worst developed nations in the world in which to raise a child, particularly if you have a modest income. (See "Why Doesn't America Like Its Children") Now the Lancet has published a full assessment. Personally, I think we should all be embarrassed that our country has fallen to these depths, and that we tolerate and support this disgusting social outcome. To get the full report:

The US ranked lower than 38 other nations in the report entitled “A future for the world’s children?” which surveyed 180 countries.

The commission was headed up by 40 experts from the World Heath Organization (WHO), The Lancet medical journal and UNICEF.

They found kids in Norway, South Korea and the Netherlands had better changes of survival and well-being due to good healthcare, nutrition, education.

Countries were scored by their carbon emissions per-capita, putting nations like the US and Australia close to the bottom.

These rich nations were noted as contributors to global health threats as a result of climate change.


Ex-New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark, who co-chaired the commission, said action was needed.

Clark said: “Countries need to overhaul their approach to child and adolescent health.

“[We need] to ensure that we not only look after our children today but protect the world they will inherit in the future.”

The “flourishing” part of the report measured countries in terms of surviving and thriving.

The top 10 were Norway, South Korea, Netherlands, France, Ireland, Denmark, Japan, Belgium, Iceland, and the UK, with Central African […]

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Two studies highlight effects of diet and microbiome on heart and aging

Stephan:  I have been eating a Mediterranean diet, for most of my life, and I think it is one of the reasons I have enjoyed good health. As I read this report I thought about the Pharaonic Egyptians, who thought that the key to good health was your gut, something also promoted by Edgar Cayce (which is what got me started on this diet), and Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophists. Basically allopathic medicine is just catching up with this reality. The Mediterranean diet study was published in the journal Gut, while the TMAO study was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Sources: American College of CardiologyThe BMJ via Eurekalert

Two studies suggest a general healthy diet is the best way to maintain gut bacteria diversity and general health
Credit: maxxyustas/Depositphotos

Two newly published studies are offering novel insights into the relationship between our diets, gut microbiome, and general health. One study is suggesting a Mediterranean diet can reconfigure gut bacteria to promote healthy aging, while a second study reveals plant-based diets can reduce gut microbe production of a metabolite linked to heart disease.

Our gut microbiome, much like the rest of our body, changes distinctly as we age. Prior research has found poor diets in older subjects are linked to less diverse gut microbiomes and more rapid signs of frailty and aging. In one new study an international team of researchers set out to investigate whether a Mediterranean diet, sustained for 12 months, altered an older microbiome and improved biomarkers associated with healthy aging.

Over 600 subjects were studied, aged between 65 and 79. Half of the cohort continued on their normal diet, while the other half followed a form of […]

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Trump ‘spiritual adviser’ tells followers to skip paying monthly electric bills so they can send her church more cash

Stephan:  Most of the media commentators describe criminal Trump as capricious and unpredictable. I don't agree with this assessment. I think he is entirely predictable. In any situation, no matter what it is,  he will always pick and appoint from the options available to him the grifter, the crook, or the scam artist. He is completely consistent down to the smallest most irrelevant position. He always surrounds himself with people just like himself, vulgar, greedy men and women of low morals. Here is a recent example. You just can't make this stuff up.

Criminal Trump’s “Spiritual Advisor” Paul White

Paula White, a prosperity gospel minister who serves as President Donald Trump’s “spiritual adviser,” apparently believes her followers should live in the dark to help keep the lights on at her church.

A lengthy report on White by Mother Jones reveals that the Trump-loving preacher recently told followers at her Supernatural Ministry School in Miami that they could secure God’s favor by sending her church as much money as possible — even if that meant skipping their monthly electric bills.

In particular, White said that followers who send their money to Florida Power and Light (FPL) every month instead of giving it to her church are treating the electric company better than they treat God.

“Instead of writing [that check] to the house of God as I’m instructed to, then what I’m saying spiritually is, ‘FPL, I have now established a spiritual law that put you first,’” White explained to her flock. “So, FPL, save my family, FPL, deliver my drug addicted son. FPL, […]

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Editor’s Note – The Environment

Stephan:  Today's SR is dedicated to what criminal Trump and his administration are doing to degrade the environment for the enrichment of  wealthy and corporate interests. This destruction of the quality of the environment has gotten lost, in my view, in the endless commentary about the upcoming election where media people basically speculate on the outcome, as you would about a basketball or football game. Hours and hours of people talking about something whose outcome is completely impossible to predict at this stage. Meanwhile, beneath their attention, events are occurring which are negatively impacting the lives of millions. So I wanted to focus today on a series of Trump policy changes that have just come out, which I find quite horrifying.
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Methane is a hard-hitting greenhouse gas. Now scientists say we’ve dramatically underestimated how much we’re emitting

Stephan:  In every way they can do it the administration of criminal Trump is trying to eliminate regulations that control pollution and work to eliminate environmental degradation. All at the behest of wealthy individuals and corporate interests, particularly the extraction industries.  And the result? Read this, and weep. Remember Schwartz' Law of Climate Change: It will happen faster than predicted, and the consequences will be worse than are presently foreseen.

Scientists and governments alike have been greatly underestimating emissions of the powerful greenhouse gas methane from oil and gas operations, according to new research published Wednesday, suggesting both a threat and also an opportunity to curb leaks of the hard-hitting molecule.

The contention emerges in a new study in the influential journal Nature, which draws on samples of ancient air extracted from within the Greenland ice sheet to measure levels of atmospheric methane before humans started burning fossil fuels.

Surprisingly, these air pockets, dating back as far as the 18th century, contained very little of the oldest type of methane — multimillion-year-old fossil methane gas, which originates from deep within the crust of the Earth. This suggests that in its natural state, the planet just doesn’t belch out much fossil methane from geological sources, such as undersea seeps and towering mud volcanoes.

And yet, nonetheless, the Earth’s atmosphere today is full of ancient, fossil […]

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