Stephan: History shows and this story is but another example, one thing that sanctimonious self-righteous people who want everyone else to conform to their rules always do is lie and grift to achieve their aims. You have probably already heard or read about this revelation in the Jane Roe story. I am running it because it represents two trends I believe we need to acknowledge and deal with in this election. If a woman does not own and control her own body she owns nothing and is a subordinate being. If the anti-choice people really cared about babies they would be leading advocates for prenatal care, early childhood care, healthy school lunches, older childcare. They are, in fact, not leaders or even participants in any of those movements.
Also, my decades of research into the nature of consciousness has convinced me of the following:
1.) The evidence for me is overwhelming that there is a continuity of consciousness. That is: consciousness exists prior to incarnation, during incarnation, and continues after incarnation, to emerge again in another incarnation.
2.) Personality is a construct. Informational patterns of genetics, and emotional responses, habit patterns, and the potentiality of skill sets, that carry over from earlier incarnations that are created by the eternal self (soul) Ian's Biology and Reincarnation speaks particularly to this. The manifested personality through the choices in makes adds to this informational construct. Basically what comes across incarnations is information.
3.) Upon corporeal death personality continues for some unknown length of time but recedes at some point. It never disappears but is taken off for reasons who we do not know like a suit of clothes. The informational personality constructs of all incarnations remain incorporated in the totality of the nonlocal self which, itself, is a component of the matrix of consciousness.
4.) Episodically, for reasons we only dimly comprehend, but which seem to deal with compulsions and personality patterns another personality is manifested and incarnated, a composite of the informational patterns, whether manifested genetically, or psychophysically, and so the pattern goes on.
These are my conclusions based entirely on the reported data, whether experimental or clinical. Specifically, it is not based on emotions, religious affiliation (I have none), or pre-existing personal philosophy. And from my perspective abortion is a denial of incarnation. The eternal self, what religion calls the soul, continues.
But the choice issue, as important as it is, is not all of the story. What it does do is provide more compelling evidence that christofascists are not honorable. They do not play a clean game. Their political activity is a manifestation of their character.
Norma McCorvey aka “Jane Roe” of Roe v Wade
In its final 20 minutes, the documentary film AKA Jane Roe delivers quite the blow to conservatives who have weaponized the story of Jane Roe herself—real name, Norma McCorvey—to argue that people with uteruses should have to carry any and all pregnancies to term.
McCorvey, who died in 2017, became Jane Roe when, as a young homeless woman, she was unable to get a legal or safe abortion in the state of Texas. Her willingness to lend her experience to the legal case for abortion led to the passing of Roe v. Wade in 1973, which legalized abortions in all 50 states (though red states do all they can to get around this; recently, several have even used the COVID-19 pandemic to make abortions functionally impossible to procure). But conservatives had a field day in the mid ’90s when the assertive, media-savvy pro-choice advocate and activist McCorvey became an anti-abortion born-again ex-gay Christian with the help of leaders of the evangelical Christian right, Reverend Flip Benham (of the infamous Operation Rescue) and Reverend Rob Schenck. A conservative film, Roe v. Wade, starring Jon Voight and Stacey Dash, will dramatize […]
Stephan: Franklin Roosevelt's response to the Great Depression was a whole range of programs to foster wellbeing that changed America for the better. Harry Truman's response to the devastation of WW II was the Marshall Plan in Europe, and a whole range of wellbeing fostering programs for vets at home. The response of Donald Trump and the Republican Senate to the Coronavirus pandemic is to turn it into a grift.
While tens of millions of Americans are out of work, many desperate for cash to feed their children, the richest Americans merrily float on a rapidly rising tide of cash thanks in good part to Trump & Co.
My analysis of Federal Reserve data shows a record flow of greenbacks let the corporate rich pour trillions of dollars into bank accounts and institutional money market funds even as they fired workers by the tens of millions.
The Trump administration and its Radical Republican Senate allies are taking care of those who need help the least while declaring enough already for the unemployed.
Part of the answer is as simple as it is awful: The Trump administration and its Radical Republican Senate allies are taking care of those who need help the least while declaring enough […]
Stephan: Another illustration of the points I made in the previous article.
US President Donald Trump visits the US-Mexico border fence in Otay Mesa, California on September 18, 2019. Credit: NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty
A scandal-plagued North Dakota company landed a $1.28 billion contract to build a small stretch of border wall after President Donald Trump repeatedly brought up the firm to officials following the CEO’s Fox News blitz.
The Army Corps of Engineers awarded the massive contract to North Dakota-based Fisher Sand and Gravel on May 6, the Arizona Daily Star first reported. The funds will be used to build 42 miles of border wall in Arizona. That figure marks the biggest contract awarded to any company for a stretch of wall to date. Fisher previously received a separate $400 million contract last December despite little experience building projects like the border wall.
When the company’s initial bids were passed over by government officials, CEO Tommy Fisher launched a media blitz, The Washington Post reported, repeatedly appearing on Fox News in an effort to directly appeal to Trump. The president an avid viewer of cable news, frequently tweeting about segments he watches.
Stephan: I do so like actual facts. Here are some.
People applaud from their fire escapes to show their gratitude to medical staff and essential workers on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic in the Upper East Side on May 2, 2020, in New York City. Credit: Noam Galai / Getty
Social distancing and stay-at-home measures instituted across the country may have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, according to the findings of one study.
Researchers at the Urban Health Collaborative at the Dornsife School of Public Health at Drexel University sought to find out how many lives were affected in a positive way due to social distancing rules that were implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the nation’s 30 highest populated cities. According to their findings, stay-at-home orders (versus taking a course of having done nothing at all) likely prevented an additional 232,878 deaths within the combined populations of those jurisdictions.
In addition to the total number of deaths that were likely prevented, stay-at-home orders also likely resulted in 2.1 million fewer coronavirus-related hospital visits as well.
Jennifer Kolker, associate dean for public health practice at the Dornsife School, […]
Stephan: There is no vileness, no little move that Trump will not make to show his indifference and contempt for ordinary Americans. But this, this is really something special for its callous nastiness.
Ithinkthereshouldbesomekindofnationalrecognition,somethingspecial,formal,thatthewholenationsfocusesondoneforthemenandwomenofwhateverrankorstatus who, whentheCovid-19virus challenged the nation's wellbeing, stepped up to fight for human life. IthinkitoughttobeaphysicalsymbolsuchasthenecklaceswomeninCongresswear.Orasalapelpin, such as the male members of Congresswear.Somethingthatwillkeeprespectandhonoraliveforalongtime.
Members of the Connecticut National Guard with hospital staff in Stamford, Conn. Credit: John Moore/Getty
More than 40,000 National Guard members currently helping states test residents for the coronavirus and trace the spread of infections will face a “hard stop” on their deployments on June 24 — just one day shy of many members becoming eligible for key federal benefits, according to a senior FEMA official.
The official outlined the Trump administration’s plans on an interagency call on May 12, an audio version of which was obtained by POLITICO. The official also acknowledged during the call that the June 24 deadline means that thousands of members who first deployed in late March will find themselves with only 89 days of duty credit, one short of the 90-day threshold for qualifying for early retirement and education benefits under the Post-9/11 GI bill.
The looming loss of crucial frontline workers, along with questions about whether the administration is shortchanging first responders, would require a delicate messaging strategy, the official — representing FEMA’s New England region — told dozens of colleagues on […]