Biden in Texas

The message to the DNC and all progressives: Stop scaring Middle America

Within days before the 2016 election there were assertions that Hillary Clinton might sweep the board, or at least win in a significant landslide. There were several key factors that led to defeat.  The largest, by far, was the number of voters (many of them Democrats who had supported Obama) who failed to go to cast ballots.

There is no rational reason why Trump’s approval rating now should be as high as 38 percent, yet it is.  Some pollsters claim the problem in predicting the outcome of the 2016 election was pooling the data on a national level. That they claim failed to take into account the state by state contests.  Thus, while Clinton won the popular vote by a significant margin, she lost the electoral college.

But this is not about history, it is about current events and how hard many progressives are working to get Trump re-elected.  Obviously, that is not their intent, but certainly consistent with their […]

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