President Donald Trump returns to his seat after speaking at Mount Rushmore National Memorial, near Keystone, S.D Trump Rushmore, Keystone, United States – 03 Jul 2020
Credit: Alex Brandon/AP/Shutterstock

Shooting rubber bullet grenades at protesting priests. Catastrophically botching the pandemic response, resulting in a public health and economic calamity. Tweeting “white power” memes. Ranting in front of empty arenas about how he navigated a “slippery ramp.” Being MIA while his Russian benefactors put out a hit on American soldiers in Afghanistan.

The last three months have been a political dumpster fire for President Trump, and the flames have engulfed Republicans up and down the ballot. But while pockets of Republican resistance have roasted Dear Leader, elected officials in D.C. and their Svengalis in the consultant class have remained steadfast.

These swamp creatures were never the biggest Trumpers in the first place — his initial campaign team was an assortment of D-listers and golf course grunts rather than traditional GOP ad men. So why, as Trump’s numbers plummet, are these establishment RINOs continuing to debase themselves to […]

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