In March 1933, the Waffen SS was formed as a paramilitary arm of the Nazi Party.  Members pledged personal loyalty to Adolf Hitler and Hitler alone.  
Trumpian storm troopers in Portland, Oregon in July 2020
Credit: Beth Nakamura/The Oregonian/AP)

Let me begin by acknowledging for a qualified observer, that there have been a number of recent protests that have turned violent. As will be seen, suggesting that all, or even many protesters are violent anarchists, or members of Antifa, is specious.  There is a problem in which ill-intended people have joined peaceful protests and led them into unwanted violent confrontations. While a few temporarily have gotten out of hand, none have exceeded the capabilities of local and state officials to bring under control.  None have necessitated federal intervention but that has not stopped Trump from political Kabuki theater at the expense of those communities and the nation’s reputation.

To that end, Trump has now turned the Department of […]

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