Georgia Republican Senator David Perdue

On Monday, Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) caused outrage over an attack ad that appeared to digitally enlarge the nose of his Jewish opponent, former congressional staffer Jon Ossoff.

“The ad called for donations to Perdue, a Republican, by claiming that ‘Democrats are trying to buy Georgia.’ It uses black-and-white photos of Ossoff and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is also Jewish, that have been Photoshopped to appear as if they were pulled from an old television set with poor reception,” reported Forward. “But the Ossoff image, which was adapted from a 2017 Reuters photo of him, was also changed by having his nose lengthened and widened, even as other parts of his face stayed the same size and proportions, three graphic design experts told the Forward.”

The campaign has pulled the ad and issued an apology, even as it denies any intentional anti-Semitism.

“In the graphic design process handled by an outside vendor, […]

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