U.S. Attorney General William Barr on July 22, 2020, in Washington D.C.

“How can you tell when a lawyer is lying?” the old joke begins. The answer: “Whenever his lips are moving.”

The humor reflects the reality of how an average citizen views the legal profession. It’s seen as mendacious and amoral. Of course, the reality is different. While not every lawyer can be an Atticus Finch defending the innocent, most are hardworking and honest.

And then there is the attorney general, William Barr, who is scheduled to testify Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee under threat of subpoena. His lack of honesty and ethics is the basis for a complaint filed last week by 27 prominent lawyers, who are seeking to have Barr’s license to practice law revoked.

All lawyers are bound to follow the ethical rules adopted by the State Bar Association where they are licensed to practice law. These rules are part of the profession’s effort to regulate itself and prevent bad lawyers from practicing law.

Undercutting Mueller, IGs and the FBI

According to the complaint, Attorney General Barr has violated the Washington, D.C., rules and engaged in unethical conduct. It says he has been dishonest and deceitful, and has also interfered with the […]

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