Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance - The Guardian (U.K.)
Stephan: Readers know I have been talking about the repercussions that will flow from the destruction of forests all over the world in order to service human greed. If we refuse to acknowledge that we live in a matrix of consciousness in which all life is interconnected and interdependent, we are condemning ourselves to not one but a series of catastrophes. This report speaks to this.
Logging in the Brazilian rainforest. ‘Human activity has created a continuous cycle of viral spillover and spread.’ Credit: Brazil Photos/LightRocket /Getty
In late 2013, in the village of Meliandou in rural Guinea, a group of children playing near a hollow tree disturbed a small colony of bats hiding inside. Scientists think that Emile Ouamouno, who later became the first tragic “index” case in the west African Ebola outbreak, was likely exposed to bat faeces whileplaying near the tree.
Every pandemic starts like this. An innocuous human activity, such as eating wildlife, can spark an outbreak that leads to a pandemic. In the 1920s, when HIV is thought to have emerged in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, scientists believe transmission to humans could have been caused by a bushmeat hunter cutting themselves while butchering a chimpanzee. In 2019, we can speculate that a person from south-west China entered a bat cave near their village to hunt wildlife for sale at the local wet market. Perhaps they later developed a nagging cough that represents the beginning of what […]
Paul Rosenzweig, Senior Fellow in the National Security and Cyber Security Program -- R Street Institute - USA TODAY
Stephan: It is my view that William Barr should be disbarred, indicted and, if convicted, sent to prison, like John Mitchell before him.
“How can you tell when a lawyer is lying?” the old joke begins. The answer: “Whenever his lips are moving.”
The humor reflects the reality of how an average citizen views the legal profession. It’s seen as mendacious and amoral. Of course, the reality is different. While not every lawyer can be an Atticus Finch defending the innocent, most are hardworking and honest.
And then there is the attorney general, William Barr, who is scheduled to testify Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee under threat of subpoena. His lack of honesty and ethics is the basis for a complaint filed last week by 27 prominent lawyers, who are seeking to have Barr’s license to practice law revoked.
All lawyers are bound to follow the ethical rules adopted by the State Bar Association where they are licensed to practice law. These rules are part of the profession’s effort to regulate itself and prevent bad lawyers from practicing law.
Undercutting Mueller, IGs and the FBI
According to the complaint, Attorney General Barr has violated the Washington, D.C., rules and engaged in unethical conduct. It says he has been dishonest and deceitful, and has also interfered with the […]
Stephan: This is how fascism works. This is America, a land in which only money matters.
A Salt Lake City police officer at a protest earlier in July. Police foundations – which provide funds to local police departments – in cities such as Salt Lake are partially funded by corporate names. Credit: Rick Bowmer/AP
NEW YORK, NEW YORK — Big corporations accused of driving environmental and health inequalities in black and brown communities through toxic and climate-changing pollution are also funding powerful police groups in major US cities, according to a new investigation.Trump is using federal agents as his ‘goon squad’, says Ice’s ex-acting headRead more
Some of America’s largest oil and gas companies, private utilities, and financial institutions that bankroll fossil fuels also back police foundations – opaque private entities that raise money to pay for training, weapons, equipment, and surveillance technology for departments across the US.Advertisement
The investigation by the Public Accountability Initiative, a nonprofit corporate and government accountability research institute, and its research database project LittleSis, details how police foundations in cities such as Seattle, Chicago, Washington, New Orleans and Salt Lake City are partially funded by household names such as Chevron, Shell and […]
Stephan: Well, to no surprise, Bill Barr lied, and Donald Trump lied, and once again only because a military officer, Major Adam DeMarco in this case, with integrity like Col. Vindman has stepped forward do we know this. And because of his bravery, we learn the whole Layfayette Park event was nothing more than a Trumpian reality video game.
To read Major DeMarco's full testimony go to:
In this Monday, June 1, 2020, file photo President Donald Trump walks past police in Lafayette Park after visiting outside St. John’s Church across from the White House in Washington. Credit: AP/Patrick Semansky
The U.S. Park Police began the violent clearing of protesters from Lafayette Square last month without apparent provocation or adequate warning to demonstrators, immediately after Attorney General William Barr spoke with Park Police leaders, according to an Army National Guard officer who was there.
The account of Army National Guard Maj. Adam DeMarco challenges key aspects of the Trump administration’s explanation for the clearing of the protest in front of the White House, just before President Donald Trump walked through the area to stage a photo event in front of a historic church.
DeMarco’s account was released in written testimony for his scheduled appearance Tuesday before the House Natural Resources Committee’s hearing on the Park Police’s punching, clubbing and use of chemical agents against what appeared to be largely peaceful protesters on June 1. The administration’s forceful clearing of the protest area in front of the White […]
Stephan: As the crisis of the pandemic grinds on, so does climate change; they are parallel catastrophes and, in both instances, the world generally, and the United States particularly, has failed to respond appropriately, and our children, and their children, will curse us for this failure.
Gray Reef Shark Credit: Getty
Sharks are renowned as some of the most robust creatures on Earth. Not only have they existed in a similar form for over 300 million years and survived multiple planet-wide extinction events, but sharks have evolved to be able to repair their own DNA — making them extremely resistant to cancers.
Yet humankind may finally fell these ancient predators that have become a symbol of ferocity in our culture. As a result of human intervention, the iconic fish is “functionally extinct” in roughly one out of five of the reefs analyzed throughout the world in a recent study.