- Half in U.S. now, vs. 45% in 2019, concerned about health-related bankruptcy
- 15%, including 20% of non-White adults, carry long-term medical debt
- Lowering drug prices a key voting issue for 35% of adults
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Half of all U.S. adults are concerned that a major health event in their household could lead to bankruptcy, an increase from 45% measured in early 2019 (PDF download). These results, based on a new study by West Health and Gallup, also show that the percentage of non-White adults who harbor this concern has risen from 52% to 64%.Fear of Health Event Leading to BankruptcyHow concerned are you that a major health event in your household could lead to bankruptcy? Extremely concerned, concerned, not very concerned or not at all concerned?
Concerned% Extremely concerned/
Concernedpct. pts.U.S. total4550+5*GenderWomen4751+4Men4249+7*RaceWhite adults4143+2Non-White adults5264+12*Age18-294355+12*30-494655+9*50-645248-465+3840+2* Statistically significant change (p<.05), design effect includedGALLUP-WEST HEALTH U.S. HEALTHCARE STUDY, JULY 2020
This study is based on 1,007 interviews with U.S. adults conducted from July 1-24, 2020. Over the past year, concerns about medical bankruptcy have increased 12 and […]