President Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump, official White House Credit: Joyce N. Boghosian.

According to a report from the New York Times, some Republican officials are casting a skeptical eye at both the millions of dollars in donations that Donald Trump is spending on legal fees as well as the reasons for some of the expenditures.

The report notes that the president “… and his affiliated political entities have spent at least $58.4 million in donations on legal and compliance work since 2015,” which is raising some eyebrows.

For comparison’s sake, the Times reports that former President Barack Obama spent $10.7 million on legal fees during the equivalent period starting in 2007 and that former President George Bush spent even less — which included his legal battle over his election that went all the way to the Supreme Court.Defend democracy. Click to invest in courageous progressive journalism today.

What has some Republicans concerned is funds that should be used for political purposes appear to be going out to pay for some of Trump’s personal legal problems.

According to […]

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