Watergate reporter Bob Woodward’s new book is coming out next week — and the leaked excerpts in it contain multiple damaging bombshells for President Donald Trump.
The new book, entitled “Rage,” contains multiple revelations on a wide variety of topics ranging from the president’s handling of the novel coronavirus to his relationship with the American military to his strange affection for North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.
Below are the five most damning details of Woodward’s new book.Defend democracy. Click to invest in courageous progressive journalism today.
1.) Trump said that he knew the novel coronavirus was five times more deadly than the seasonal flu — then admitted to playing it down in public.
Audio recordings show that Trump told Woodward in early February that COVID-19 spread through the air and was much more deadly than the flu. Despite this, he continued to downplay its significance in multiple public statements.
Just over a month after that, Trump admitted to Woodward that he deliberately downplayed the virus because he didn’t want to create a “panic.”
“I wanted to […]
Voters decided four years ago to take a chance on an outsider. The political elite insider class has been convulsing ever since. It wasn’t supposed to happen. The left-media and the deep state have been laser focused for almost 4 years on one thing, destroying Trump. He is turning their little world upside down. Why hasn’t it worked? Because Trump is keeping promises and getting results. Performance matters! So they look past his shortcomings. 50 years of “The Great Society”, political promises unkept, trade deals that gutted blue collar industry and sent it overseas . People see the failure of liberalism. It’s on graphic display in cities everywhere (but you’ll have to change the channel to see it). It seems the “deplorable’s” don’t want a socialist “utopia” after all. They want them government to get out of the way. Those who think Trump is owned by Putin are delusional. That title fits the insider political elites much more closely (and add China to their owners list too).