Credit: Spencer Platt/ Getty
Viewing the GOP convention seemed a little like binge-watching the last several years’ parade of none-too-subtle signs of incipient fascism. We saw extreme nationalism, scapegoating immigrants and foreigners in general, white supremacy, “strong (narcissistic)-man” government, aggressive foreign policies, and hysterical red-baiting. Those signs reflect how capitalism’s deepening crisis undermines both the center-left (Democrat) and center-right (GOP) and shifts politics further right and further left. Trump represents the anti-center right, Bernie Sanders the anti-center left. Most capitalists want neither; the center worked very well for them over the last 75 years. As that political center implodes, U.S. capitalists favor the right over the left. They see the difference between fascism and socialism very clearly. They are not fooled by the crumbling old center’s self-serving efforts to equate socialism and fascism.
Fascism can indeed “happen here,” but in unique fashion. Fascism, […]
I am surprised that you ran this article. It’s analysis is correct but highlights the fundamental bankruptcy of both major parties.
I have always followed closely Dr. Wolff’s “Democracyatwork.info” website and know that he knows what is really going on in our country and goes to great lengths to spell it out for those who do not understand the type of fascism that has infected both the Democratic and Republican parties in our country. He is also one, like Noam Chomsky, who points to the socialist “Mondragon” corporations which are totally owned by the workers and have exceeded their expectations in making a path toward what a real Democracy should look like. That is what we here in the USA should be spending our time looking into. Then we can move forward “progressively” toward a better future.