In a new book, investigative reporter Tom Burgis details the shocking ways in which corrupt leaders used Russian “businessman” Felix Sater to conduct sketchy deals, including ones for President Donald Trump.
According to the Daily Beast, Kleptopia: How Dirty Money is Conquering the World reports the “terrifying” and true tale of overwhelming corruption, “clandestinely fusing their business interests, and forming alliances.”
While corrupt leaders have spent decades “guzzling their nations’ wealth,” the rest of the world is struggling to keep such lawlessness in check.Defend democracy. Click to invest in courageous progressive journalism today.
“What they crave is legitimacy—for their money and their power,” the Beast described. “That means hijacking democracies, harnessing the rule of law to protect their own lawless fortunes and destroy their enemies.”
If people like Sater can funnel cash quietly through different channels, it can help untrusted regimes garner some form of trust from the global community by hiding their illicit activities. The person who does that is Sater, and his relationship with Trump is well-documented.
“In 2001, one of the tenants of Trump Tower […]
I don’t know if you’ve checked out my novel Times To Try the Soul of Man, but based on the real events, it details one of the many development swindles going on in New York during Trump’s rise. While he was doing his maneuvering on the upper West Side, the crimes I look at were going on in Alphabet City.
i hate to seem ignorant, but I have not read you book, Mr. Weene. I do not know what you mean by “Alphabet City”. Please explain.