A look deep inside latest pro-Trump Christian conspiracy theory that’s eating America

Stephan:  I confess I simply do not understand how anyone could support Donald Trump or the Trumplican Party (the Republican Party as any number of Republicans will tell you has ceased to exist). The endless criminality, the vulgarity, the heartlessness, the racism, the sexism. Collectively it is the dark Id of America come to life. And yet I know millions do  believe anything Trump tells them. I actually have Trumpers who read SR daily, and they write me the most amazingly ignorant and hateful things. Talk about how Joe Biden, about as centrist a politician as is alive today is a Marxist, how people who seek racial and gender equality are destroying the country. It is obvious from what they say they haven't a clue what a Marxist actually believes or supports, for them it is just a damning label, and that what motivates them is fear, resentment, and hatred. At one level I pity them. But at another, I realize they constitute an evil force in the United States.
Des Moines, Iowa / USA – January 14, 2020: Donald Trump supporter at Drake University in Des Moines outside the Democratic Debate

I chronicled the attempts made by an old friend to convince me of an outlandish conspiracy theory being promoted by the group of rabid online Donald Trump supporters known as “QAnon.” According to my friend, initiates of the Illuminati had teamed up with subterranean demons to torture, rape and eat kidnapped children in underground military bases ruled by Trump’s mortal enemies. Not surprisingly, none of the so-called “evidence” provided by my friend proved any such thing. Onward from there we go …

Fun with Adrenochrome!

The second link my friend sent me, entitled “ADRENOCHROME — Those Who Know Cannot Sleep,” was posted by a QAnon advocate who calls himself Vinctum. On Twitter, Vinctum describes himself as a “Red Pilled Armenian bloke from the Netherlands that’s into Personal Growth, Spirituality, Psychology, and Conspiracy facts.” Though he joined Twitter as recently as January of 2020, he already has more than 3,000 followers. His YouTube channel has considerably […]

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The Consequences of Climate Change Are Already Visible in Siberia

Stephan:  My estimate is that there is going to have to be massive suffering and death before humanity really awakens to what climate change is about, particularly in countries like the United States where the majority of politicians in both parties are so massively willfully ignorant. Here is another alarm bell confirming what is happening, this one a report from Siberia.
Siberia in winter Credit: Andrei Stepanov/Shutterstock

It’s not only about ice melting and rising temperatures. It’s also about a region that is being transformed dramatically by climate change. The way the Arctic is evolving comes with consequences for the environment, biosphere, international relations, and geopolitical balance. Scientists indicate that the recent heat wave in Siberia would have been virtually impossible without anthropogenic climate change. But how are these conclusions drawn, and how accurate is it to make these claims?

he word “Arctic” is seldom associated with images of sweltering heat. Yet in recent months, popular perceptions have changed. Everyone has heard about the record-breaking heatwave burning through Siberia. The high temperatures are melting permafrost, and air temperatures have hit up to 38ºC, breaking records in the remote town of Verkhoyansk that recorded the highest temperature ever in the Arctic. 

The Arctic is warming at twice the rate of the global average, and at the end of June, land surface temperatures reached a staggering 45ºC in a variety of spots, according to European satellite data. Although land surface temperatures are not usually given […]

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Trump Shifts $44 Billion Away From FEMA Amid Record-Setting Hurricane Season

Stephan:  Trump doesn't give a damn about the people in Louisiana and Texas who just had their lives turned upside down by Hurricane Laura; he just stripped $44 billion out of FEMA as described in this report.

Lawmakers are concerned that President Donald Trump’s decision to swipe $44 billion from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will leave its disaster fund depleted amid a record-setting hurricane season.

Trump issued a memorandum allowing states to use $44 billion from FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund to pay $300 per week in enhanced federal unemployment benefits earlier this month. The move came after Trump and Senate Republicans refused to budge on their demands to slash boosted unemployment benefits, repeating a widely-debunked claim that the extra pandemic aid was a disincentive for workers to return to their jobs. House Democrats, meanwhile, approved a full extension of the $600-per-week benefit back in May.

After Hurricane Laura made landfall this week in Louisiana amid a hurricane season which has already seen a record-setting number of named storms, lawmakers worry Trump’s move could leave FEMA unprepared to respond to recovery efforts. If the entire $44 billion is used, it could deplete the disaster relief agency’s budget to as low as $25 billion, according to the Louisiana news outlet NOLA.com.

Craig Fugate, the former FEMA administrator under former President […]

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What Climate Change Does to the Human Body

Stephan:  I don't know why there is so little commentary about what climate change is going to do to the human body. If viruses like Covid-19 are mutating to accommodate to new circumstances how could anyone not know that the components of the human body will also be affected. Here is one of the first reports on this issue I have seen.
Credit: Getty

The wildfire season is off to a roaring start. The hot summer is worsening drought and drying out vegetation—an unfortunately ideal environment for wildfires to rage. But that’s just one consequence of global warming; it’s also leading to flooding, torrential rainstorms and heat-related deaths. In fact, the climate crisis has led to a widespread public health crisis. And as an ear, nose and throat physician, I see the effects more and more often.

I vividly remember a patient who came in late for her appointment during a July heat wave. When I walked in, she said, “I’m so sorry I’m late, I was up all night walking my grandbaby around the train station.” Without air conditioning at home, the child was sweating through her clothes in the heat of the night, putting her at risk for dehydration.

July 2019 was the hottest July on record; September 2019 was the hottest on record; January 2020 was the hottest on record; May 2020 was the hottest on record. This is not a coincidence. It is a pattern. Carbon dioxide, an important greenhouse gas […]

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Wind Turbines Kill Birds. This Incredibly Simple Trick Has Saved Them.

Stephan:  Here is some excellent news about the birds and windmills. So simple, yet so effective. If you have windmills close to you find out who owns them and ask them to do this.
Credit: Getty

Could a ridiculously simple change save birds from wind turbine-related deaths? Scientists in Norway have presented a 9-year study where they painted wind turbines a highly visible black and observed a 70 percent drop in bird deaths. In turn, this could remove one of the most stalwart critiques people have used to slow the spread of wind power technology.

In a 2019 speech, President Donald Trump said things like, “You want to see a bird graveyard? You just go, take a look, a bird graveyard? Go under a windmill some day.” Trump also said, “But they’re manufactured—tremendous, if you’re into this, tremendous fumes, gases are spewing into the atmosphere.”

In the new study, the researchers focus on “passive visual cues” that are easy for flying animals to internalize and act on. The […]

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