Sophie Comeau, Waylon Cunnigham, Sam Feehan, Nancy Guan, Kristy Hutchings, Kylie Storm, Felicia Tapia, Karen Wang, Abby Washer, and Ashley Zhang , Reporters - USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism/BuzzFeedNews
Stephan: Here is a fact-based report on the massive corruption that like a cancer has sickened the American financial structure and contributed to the obscene wealth inequality that afflicts the country.
A huge trove of secret government documents reveals for the first time how the giants of Western banking move trillions of dollars in suspicious transactions, enriching themselves and their shareholders while facilitating the work of terrorists, kleptocrats, and drug kingpins.
And the US government, despite its vast powers, fails to stop it.
Today, the FinCEN Files — thousands of “suspicious activity reports” and other US government documents — offer an unprecedented view of global financial corruption, the banks enabling it, and the government agencies that watch as it flourishes. BuzzFeed News has shared these reports with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and more than 100 news organizations in 88 countries.
These documents, compiled by banks, shared with the government, but kept from public view, expose the hollowness of banking safeguards, and the ease with which criminals have exploited them. Profits from deadly drug wars, fortunes embezzled from developing countries, and hard-earned savings stolen in a Ponzi scheme were all allowed to flow into and out of these financial institutions, despite warnings from the banks’ own employees.
Stephan: The behavior of Trump and the Republicans in the Senate illustrate their absolute lack of ethics. This rush to appointment someone to Ginsburg's seat is happening, in my opinion, for three reasons: 1) because Trump wants his judges to confirm his win, should he lose; 2) large corporate illness profit system, carbon energy, and military death merchants, backers all of the Republican Party, want control of the court; and, 3) the evangelicals want it because they don't want women to control their bodies out of the control of men, and therefore they want Roe v Wade to be overturned.
People gathered on the plaza in front of the Supreme Court honoring the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg Credit: Alex/Edelman/Getty
A majority of Americans think that the winner of November’s presidential election should be the one to pick the next Supreme Court justice, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll. Overall, 62 percent of Americans said the candidate who is elected in November should pick the next justice, while 23 percent disagreed, and the rest weren’t sure. The poll, which was conducted Saturday and Sunday, shows that many Americans appear to disagree with the plan by President Donald Trump and Republican leaders to quickly confirm a new justice for the Supreme Court.
As could be expected, the numbers are split along party lines, but the poll found many Republicans agree with the sentiment that the winner of the election should be the one to nominate the justice who will take the seat left vacant by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. While eight out of 10 Democrats said the winner of the election should fill the seat, five out of […]
Stephan: How much clearer does it need to get for people that Trump and his orcs live in an alternate reality?
Pompeo and Trump
The United States unilaterally proclaimed on Saturday that UN sanctions against Iran are back in force and promised to punish those who violate them, in a move that risks increasing Washington’s isolation but also international tensions.
“Today, the United States welcomes the return of virtually all previously terminated UN sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran,” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement.
According to him, the measures were “back in effect” from 8:00 pm Washington time (0000 GMT Sunday).
The government of US President Donald Trump also promised to “impose consequences” on any UN member state which does not comply with the sanctions, even though it is one of the only countries in the world which believes they are in force.
The threat is formidable: those deemed to be in defiance by Washington will be denied access to the US financial system and markets.
“If UN member states fail to fulfill their obligations to implement these sanctions, the United States is prepared to use our domestic authorities to impose consequences for those failures and ensure that […]
Stephan: Okay, my women readers, do you need any further evidence than this that Trump holds women in contempt? I do not understand how a woman can vote for Trump.
Trump and Trumper women
During the Republican National Convention, the high-ranking women in Donald Trump’s White House tried to make the case for the president’s commitment to gender equality.
Outgoing adviser Kellyanne Conway called him “a champion for women.” Brooke Rollins, acting director of the Domestic Policy Council, went further, saying Trump has more women in his top team “than any president before.”
A video flashed through images of women who advise the president, including his daughter Ivanka Trump and his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump. A voiceover intoned: “President Trump has proven that when the stakes are highest, he is proud to entrust many of our nation’s most crucial jobs to women.”
The rhetoric, however, belies the reality in the Trump White House, particularly when it comes to the gender pay gap, a key measure of gender parity.
An analysis by The 19th of the 2020 median salaries in the Trump White House found a $33,300 chasm between the median salary for male staffers ($106,000) and the median salary for female staffers ($72,700).
Stephan: Once again Trump and the Republican Senate makes it clear they care nothing for ordinary folk, and particularly children. I find this unbelievably disgusting. The richest nation in the world and one out of every five children in the country at some time this year will face hunger. What kind of country is that?
Millions of low-income children are likely to miss out on special benefits that help their families buy groceries this month because the Trump administration has imposed eligibility requirements that prevent some states from getting the payments out before the money expires.
Congress created the program earlier this year to help make up for free and subsidized meals that children were missing while schools were either shut down or virtual due to coronavirus.
States were able to figure out who should get the payments in the spring and summer, when schools nationwide were fully closed for in-person learning. But now, as some schools re-open with a mix of virtual and in-person classes, the Agriculture Department says states must also tackle the complex job of figuring out how many days each student is not physically in school and distribute the aid to all who are spending all or part of their weeks learning virtually. That decision came the first week of September, too late for many state agencies to determine who’s eligible before the money runs out on Sept. […]