WASHINGTON, D.C. — Nearly eight in 10 Americans believe abortion should be legal to some degree, and a majority don’t want Roe v. Wade overturned. At the same time, the country is far from unified on the extent to which abortion should be legal.

According to Gallup’s May 2020 update on Americans’ abortion views, 29% believe abortion should be legal “under any circumstances,” 14% say it should be legal “under most circumstances” and 35% say it should be legal “only in a few circumstances.” Meanwhile, 20% say it should be illegal in all circumstances.

The demographic breakdown of these abortion views can be found on Gallup’s Legality of Abortion, 2018-2020 Demographic Tables page.

The combined 79% of Americans who think abortion should be legal in all or under certain circumstances echoes the majority public support Gallup consistently finds for upholding Roe v. Wade. Gallup measured public support for the landmark abortion decision ahead of the 2018 confirmation hearings for Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and the findings are discussed in this article:

Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Want Roe v. Wade to Stand

On the other hand, the finding that 70% […]

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