An unofficial ballot drop box outside St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Simi Valley. Credit: Rebecca Albarran

The California Republican Party said Wednesday it will not comply with the state’s cease-and-desist order over unofficial ballot drop boxes placed in at least four counties ahead of the November election.The unauthorized ballot boxes, which state officials have called illegal, have been found in at least four counties across the state: Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange and Fresno.”Ballot harvesting program will continue,” California Republican Party spokesperson Hector Barajas said in a statement to CNN.The party made their intentions clear in a letter to the California Secretary of State on Wednesday. In the letter, attorneys for the state GOP say all of the ballot boxes deployed by the party are indoors, staffed by volunteers or party officials, secure and not labeled “official.”While images of the ballot boxes have shown the boxes labeled as “official,” the state GOP said it did not authorize the use of that term and had it removed.

“The California Republican Party did not promote, or authorize the promotion […]

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