Private security guard Matthew Dolloff, center, is seen in an altercation with demonstrator Lee Keltner, left, on Saturday, Oct. 10, 2020, in downtown Denver. Dolloff, hired to protect the 9News television producer seen at right, is expected to be charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of Keltner following this altercation.

When protests turned violent in Denver in June, ABC national news hired local freelance video journalist Carl Filoreto to cover the demonstrations — and paid for armed security guards to accompany him as cops fired tear gas and projectiles at people angry over the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police.

“I never felt threatened in Denver but knowing you have that extra set of eyes on you that are there for protection, it’s very reassuring when you’re out covering that kind of thing,” Filoreto said. “You just never know what spark is going to incite a major confrontation.”

The fatal shooting of a demonstrator by a security guard working for 9News following demonstrations in Denver on Oct. 10 illustrates just how quickly something […]

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