Trumpers Credit: MOAR

Financier and philanthropist George Soros must have seen Trump coming as early as 2011. He certainly saw where a disturbingly large proportion of American voters were going. “The United States has been a democracy and open society since its founding. The idea that it will cease to be one seems preposterous; yet it is a very likely prospect,” he wrote in the New York Review of Books in June of that year.

George W. Bush’s reelection in 2004 had convinced Soros “that the malaise in American society went deeper than incompetent leadership.” The public had proved “unwilling to face harsh reality and was positively asking to be deceived by demanding easy answers to difficult problems.”LISTEN: Mark Cuban Joins The New Raw Story Podcast!

Will the American public now reconfirm Soros’ observation? This year’s campaign has given us plenty or reasons to worry.

By the end of Bush’s second term in 2009, few Americans denied the harsh realities of the Iraq war fiasco and of failed federal responses to Hurricane Katrina’s devastation and to tsunamis […]

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