GSA Administrator Emily Murphy is in charge of giving the green light for Biden to receive full transition resources. SUSAN WALSH/AP

Two days after the news networks declared Joe Biden the winner of the presidential election, lawmakers, a leading transition resource center and others are calling on the General Services Administration to give the green light for Biden’s team to access certain crucial transition funds and resources such as briefing books prepared by career federal employees. 

The Electoral College is set to meet on December 14 and Inauguration Day is January 20, but the Trump campaign is continuing to contest the results of the election through lawsuits and requests for recounts as well as soliciting donations to fund its legal efforts. Jason Miller, senior adviser to Trump’s election campaign, told Fox Business on Monday that the word concede “is not even in our vocabulary right now.” A few Republicans (including former President George W. Bush) acknowledged Biden’s win and many foreign leaders have called to congratulate him. 

The Biden team hit the ground running by outlining itsRead the Full Article